
Sunday 22 March 2020

Covid 19 Isolation - Days 2 - 5

Well what a roller-coaster the last few days have been.

Day 1 was ok.

Day 2 was, ok, lets crack on, get work done at home, try and get the children into some sort of homeschooling routine.

Sunsets like this make you realise that life does not stop!

Day 3 was the day I finally broke. I received a work email that completely broke me. With that came the realisation that life was not going back to normal. The realisation that we were going into a whole, new, unknown world. The first few days felt like I was on dependency leave but getting an email saying that is it until further notice, broke me. My work colleagues mean so much to me, they are the weights that keep me from drifting into insanity. They keep me sane, they keep me busy, they make me feel worthy. But more than any thing they make me laugh, and when I say laugh I mean full on belly aching giggles. The people that I work with have been a lifeline and realising that as of tomorrow there will be no more office days, no more whizzing across the office in my chair to join in with chats or to give my point of view, no more "hey...... what do you think of this?", no more butting in with my opinions. The ladies I work with really have been everything and I know that I am going to really miss being with them, in fact I already do miss them! In a short time we have become so close and until Friday I was just carrying on as normal and not really accepting the enormity of what was going on.

Needless to say A LOT of tears were shed on Friday. We have never known a situation like this. The extent of how it is going to change our lives forever. I want to go out, I want to be at work but I cannot. I know I cannot because I understand that as long as we ALL stay in our homes, not going out, we can slow the peak. When I hear on the news that in Italy 796 people have died in just one single day most sane people would think, shit we need to stay at home. But then you see on television people are panic buying and waiting in queues to get into shops you stop and think why?? 

Do they not see the news?

Do they not listen to Boris?

They are stood, huddles like sardines, waiting to get into supermarkets. All it takes is one person to be infected for it to spread and spread! 

I have family who work for the NHS and I am so scared that this will effect them. If you do not need to go out, if it is not a necessity, if it is not urgent please stay at home. The hospitals are stretched at the best of times, let alone times like these. If you stay at home you will be one less person who needs a bed, one less person that takes a bed because you didn't listen to the advice, a person who has taken a bed from somebody who did follow the advice but still got sick!




These are the people who are relentlessly working to save lives in unprecedented times.

Anyway on to day 4;

Day four was a Saturday and it was a beautiful spring day. Without seeing the news you would think it was just any other ordinary spring day. We spent the day outside in the garden. I have got a new project. I have acquired a greenhouse and am going to focus my days on getting vegetables growing. The day was mainly taken up with getting tidied up in the garden followed by a great family meal, with no arguments, no bickering, just being together happy. Following the meal we sat and watched a completely ridiculous film but every single one of the five of us giggled all the way through.

Day 4 was a brilliant day that I am thankful for.

Day 5 has been a bit up and down. I have struggled getting my head around the fact that I will not be at work tomorrow, the kids will not be at school, we will ALL be working together, at home. Over the last few days I have been wondering about how I can manage the task of completing my work but also how to ensure my children are not missing out on their education. J's work is easy, he is 15 and his school is going to add work online as they would during lessons. However the twins, who are in year 3, have got a lot of paperwork. To make it easier to manage I knew I have to create a more formal timetable. They now have books for English writing, English grammar, spellings and reading, maths, geography/history/life-skills, French and a Corona-virus diary. I have designated specific times for each topic. They will complete English work, maths, reading and diary writing daily. I have then split up geography, history and life skills over 3 days and French over the remaining 2 days. Thanks to Twinkl and their school I have been able to add resources to their books. The twins are so excited to be 'home-schooled', me, I am a little apprehensive. I am concerned about how I am going to fit it all in while working. But hey times like these make us stronger and make us realise that we are stronger than at first believed.

Today has been a mother's day with a difference, no gift but beautiful and heartfelt homemade cards which mean a lot more than shop bought cards. I has been busy but after sitting and watching the news you think, gifts and cards are not what is important. What is important is having your loved ones close, regardless how annoying, how much noise they make, regardless all of the arguing, they are what is truly important in life. It would kill me of I did not have just one of them,

On due course, way in the future we will look back and say "do you remember when we were all shut down". It will become a piece of history that the future generations will learn about.

We just need to adhere to the government's advice. Stay at home, stay away from people, wash your hands and cough into a tissue. It is simple so please listen.

We will wait and see what is to come tomorrow.

Take care and keep safe x

1 comment:

  1. It was perfect the first time. I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.


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