
Wednesday 18 March 2020

Isolation - Day 1

So, this is not the post that I was expecting to write as my second 'comeback' post but hey, that is life!

We have been closely following all of the Corona-virus news but honestly did not think that it would effect us. It would not get so close. Well today it did. It became a reality. T started to cough. The hubby heard him from about 4am. I am sure it is just a cold but Little I has also started coughing so that means we are all in self isolation.

Thankfully I can still carry on doing some work from home. However after this evenings press conference we now know that schools will be closing after Friday and we do not know how long for. As someone who suffers with anxiety this is not good. I cannot get away from the constant news, but still do not turn the television off, I want to keep positive but seeing so much negativity around makes it impossible. No body knows what the future holds. We are a healthy family so I hope we, us 5, will not get ill, however I do worry for other members of the family. With the possibility of the schools being closed for potentially months I need to create a new routine for us. A new way of living our lives, at home, together.

My plan (I say plan loosely, as I am literally making it as I go) is to create some kind of home timetable. I want the children to have a routine, I want them to still continue their learning, while fitting in my work but I also want us to make the most of this 'us' family time. Forget Corona-virus and enjoy some quality time together. 

Maybe this is nature, mother nature, telling us to stop.

Telling us to slow down.

Telling us to see what is really important in life.

As well as school work I would also like to schedule in some "alternative" learning for the kids. I am in the process of a new project, which I was planning to make my second post about, but I am in the middle of project "lady cave" greenhouse. I have acquired a greenhouse from my dad which is just waiting for the glass to be put in. So I am thinking about getting the kids involved. Yes the long term plan is that it is going to be my place, my sanctuary, but at the moment I am going to share. It will be a brilliant way to teach the children about gardening, growing vegetables and then using them in cooking. I have ordered a variety of vegetables that we can grow in the garden and greenhouse so that if things continue the way they are we will have fresh vegetables from the garden. This will also teach the children about self sufficiently. That is the beauty of veganism, we can grow our food!

So today is day 1 of self isolation.

Thankfully I have been able to get work so that I can work from home so I have been out. But tomorrow the cabin fever is sure to start. So we need the plan to start as soon as possible.

I am going to go and get planning and will be back tomorrow to tell you how day 2 of isolation goes!

Take care and keep well x

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hope T is feeling better now and you're all OK.
    We have planned some sort of routine. It's not the school holidays and the kids still have work from college and school to do but we're going to fit other things in too like baking and gardening.
    Stay safe x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x