Friday 3 April 2015

Word of the Week - 3rd April 2015

This weeks word of the week is...


With it being the Easter holidays the hubby has taken an extra day off work which is giving us five whole days together! After the Easter holidays our weeks are going to change with the twins being in nursery for three hours a morning. So I am making the most of spending some quality time together.

Yesterday Joseph and I had some rare "Mummy Joe-Joe" time as we used to call it when he was little. I often feel bad as I know that Joseph does not always get a lot of alone time with us because of the twins and everyday life. Also not forgetting the fact that he is growing up too quickly and would rather be out playing with his friends that being with his mum! So when he asked if the two of us could go to the cinema I could not refuse. He chose decided that he wanted us to go and see Home. It was a good film but for me I just enjoyed just spending time with my boy! After the cinema we met up with the hubby and twins and all went out for lunch as a family. We made Thursday Joseph's day, not only did we go to the cinema but we also had a movie night once the twins were in bed and let him have some quality mum and dad time. I am realising that the years are going by too quickly and I find myself looking at Joseph and realise how much he has changed since the twins arrived. He has grown up so much and I am so proud of him.

The weekend will also be full of family time. We will be having Sunday dinner with my parents then on Monday I am cooking a roast lamb dinner and my mother in law will be joining us.

I think that family time is why I look forward to long weekends. Having all of us at home together and seeing parents always makes them great family weekends!

What will you be doing this Easter weekend?

As always I am sharing my Word of the Week with The Reading Residence and Running in Lavender - My Captured Moment.

The Reading Residence
Running in Lavender


  1. Family-time is always lovely, especially when all the members are present! :) #wotw

  2. What a lovely word! Sounds like you have had some lovely family time....
    Have a fab Easter x

  3. Lovely to have a little one on one time like that, glad you both enjoyed it. And then lot of family time together is just perfect, it can't be beaten. Hope you have a great time x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. I totally agree - there's something special about long weekends. You can really relax as a family, plan a few things to do and not have to rush about trying to achieve them in just two days. Lovely pictures. Hope you have a great Easter as a family #MyCapturedMoment

  5. Great word - and we're at my parents for a few days (so more out!) she's been baking and we've already demolished a lemon meringue. I've spied a battenburg simnel cake and what looks like a chocolate frosted cake too - and I haven't even looked in the fridge yet! Diet? What diet?! Yes long weekends are definitely family time - enjoy yours xx #wotw

  6. So lovely to have a proper break with the whole family isn't it? I wish there were more long weekends in the year — I love having my husband at home with the boys and me! #MyCapturedMoment

    Caro |

  7. Time sure does fly, it's lovely that you are able to spend this time with Joe. I love our family days so much but some one-on-one time is so special too!! These are lovely moments to capture and treasure xxxx


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x