Friday 12 September 2014

Word of the Week - 12th September 2014

Without a doubt my word of the week has to be...


The dreaded cold bug has struck!

We have been going down one at a time this week. The only one who has escaped it, so far, is little Taylor. It all started with Isabella, Joseph, then me and then the hubby started a couple of days ago.

The house has been awash with tissues, Strepsils, Calpol, cough medicine and cold tablets! I'd forgotten how expensive they were! This week has been far from a glamourous week!

Thankfully Isabella and Joseph are over it, I am nearly better and the hubby is improving.

As you can imagine we have all been off it this week. But now we are all improving I am hoping that next week is going to be better!

Tomorrow the hubby and I are having a much needed day off and spa day so that should recharge our batteries and get us going again.

What word would sum up your week?

As always I am sharing my word of the week with the lovely Jocelyn at The Reading Residence

The Reading Residence


  1. oh dear!! I hope you all feel better soon.
    Enjoy your time out tomorrow.
    I've never done a Spa day, I need too i think.

    Sa xXx

  2. Oh dear. I've had a cold brewing all week, and it looks to ready to be in full force for this weekend! Glad you're over the worst of it now, and hope you have a lovely weekend. Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  3. Oh no! Get well soon and enjoy your time off together - it sounds divine! #WotW

  4. Oh no hope you all feel better soon! And enjoy your spa day xx

  5. Oh never good when you're full of cold... Enjoy your spa! :) #wordoftheweek

  6. Oh no! I hope you all feel better soon!
    Enjoy your spa day x

  7. I hope you have a lovely spa day. There is nothing worse than all being laid low by a bug x #wotw

  8. Yuck! Nothing worse than a house full of cold. Hope everyone is feeling much better soon, and have a wonderful spa day :) #WotW

  9. Oh no hun, I am sorry to hear you are all poorly. I hope you had a wonderful time at the spa! xx #WOTW

  10. Get well soon to all of you! This is that season where everyone will get something. I so dread this part of weather change =( #wotw

  11. Oh dear, hope you all feel better soon xx


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x