Friday, 11 July 2014

Word of the Week - 11th July 2014

My word of the week is a really basic word but it sums up my week perfectly.

My word of the week is

I have chosen this word as this week I have started feeling like me again.

I have my motivation back.

The black heavy cloud has lifted.

I am still grieving my Nanna but it is not pulling me further down. I am dealing with it and managing it. Yesterday we went to her bungalow for the second time. The first time broke me. But yesterday it was still hard but not as much as the first time. When we arrived the twins shouted "Yay Mamars!" but when we went in and she wasn't there Isabella said to me "Mamar is hiding". A week a go I would have fallen to pieces but yesterday with my mums help we explained that Mamar is a shiny star with Gramps.

I definitely feel like my tablets are working. I am my calmer, smiling self again. My smiles aren't false anymore, I feel like smiling! I am also feeling stronger and determined to be me again.

I am also enjoying the children more again. I am cherishing the happy moments and giggles we have playing. At the moment our favourite thing to do is playing on the swings.

Life is getting good again. I am becoming me again. After next Wednesday, Nanna's funeral, I feel that I will be able to move on a step further. I will always miss her terribly but I will start to live with the loss and smile with the memories that I treasure.

As always I am sharing my Word of the Week with the lovely Jocelyn at The Reading Residence

The Reading Residence


  1. I'm so glad you're finding 'me' again. Sorry things have been so tough. x

  2. So glad to hear that things are a little better....Hugs to you x

  3. I'm so pleased to hear that you are starting to feel better and more positive, so wonderful that the medication is working for you x #WotW

  4. I am so pleased that this is your word and that you are feeling more like your old elf again. I do hope that all has gone smoothly today x Thanks for sharing with #WotW


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