Saturday 6 July 2013

Saturdays Swimming Lessons

After a lovely lie in until 6:30, yes that is a lie n for us :-) it is time for Joseph's swimming lesson. I particularly look forward to Saturday mornings as I get a bit of time out and half an hour to myself. I think that this is just about my only time out during the week apart from when the twins have their mid morning nap but even then my time is filled with housework and ironing. So every Saturday, when I take Joseph swimming, I take along with me my book (Dan Brown Inferno atm) and a flask of coffee and settle in for half an hours escapism into my book. Joseph has been having swimming lessons for nearly 4 years now, apart from a break once I was heavily pregnant with the twins and after they were born, and there is only so many times you can watch widths in the pool over and over again. Don't get me wrong, for the first two years I religiously got there early so that I could fight my way for a front row seat and I give the thumbs up after every width that he did. However after 4 years of lessons and manic, busy weeks thinking of everyone but me I relish my half an hour me time.

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