Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Alphabet Project - F for Flowers

This weeks letter is F.

I had a few words to choose from, fun, family and food came up. But them after looking at my photographs of the last week there was one F word that has been photographed the most this week.

That word is...


Last Friday we were at Gardeners World Live and saw so many beautiful flowers. Here is one of my favourite photographs! Too see more of the beautiful plants, displays and flowers that were in the RHS Floral Marquee visit my How Does Your Garden Grow? RHS Floral Marquee post.

As always I will be linking up with the lovely PODcast - Alphabet Project

 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg


  1. I chose flowers too, but you picture is way more stunning than the flowers in my garden, would love to see more!

  2. What gorgeous colours. Looking forward to more photos :)

  3. Gorgeous photo. Flowers are so wonderful and varied. I bet the event was good to go to. #AlphabetPhoto

  4. I love that orange flower, it is spectacular

  5. Wow, what a beautiful flower, I'm so jealous Gardeners World is one of my must try and watch shows. #alphabetphoto

  6. Oh the RHS get me all the time, suckered in by their beautiful blooms! I do apologise not only am I late with #alphabetphoto, I haven't got to #HDYGG yet - blaming BritMums! Great photo and love the colour, thank you so much for sharing. Letter G will be up just after midnight until Tuesday x

  7. Such a gorgeous photo! Wish I'd had a chance to go to gardeners world live before I left England


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x