Friday, 13 June 2014

Word of the Week - 13th June 2014

There is only one word that can sum up this week and today.

That word is...


Today the hubby and I are going to the BBC Good Food Show and Gardeners World Live. 

Weeks ago I applied for a press pass for both shows. When I received an email telling me that my application had been successful I was overjoyed! I bought the hubby a ticket for his father's day pressie and arranged childcare with my mum.

Today is going to be a busy, exciting day!

This show combines both of our loves, food and garden! Perfect!

I have also been lucky to get a ticket for an Artisan Bread Masterclass with Robert Swift. I am hoping to pick up plenty of tips!

EXCITEMENT sums up my week perfectly, what word sums up your week?

As always I am sharing my word of the Week with the lovely Jocelyn at The Reading Residence

The Reading Residence


  1. Oh wow i'm just a tad jealous :-) have fun xx #WotW

  2. Fab, have a really great day! You've hit perfect weather too :)

  3. Very exciting!! Hope you have a fantastic day x

  4. Oh, that does sounds exciting! Hope you've had fun :) #WotW

  5. Sounds like you have exciting times ahead, I hope you post about your day at BBC Good Food Show as I've always wanted to visit #wotw

  6. You lucky girl how awesome, I hope you've had a fab time!

  7. Wow! Exciting indeed! Hope you had a wonderful time and he enjoyed the father's day present!

  8. Very exciting! Hope you had a brilliant time! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x