Friday, 6 June 2014

Word of the Week - 6th June 2014

Thankfully we have had a better week than last week! I have relaxed the twins routine a little with regards to nap time and it has made a huge difference to all three of us!

This week my word is one that I am delighted that I can use, that word is...


Yesterday the twins had their 2 - 2 half year check up with the health visitor.

I always get worked up before appointments about any of the children. I always worry, and I worried about the twins reaction to having a stranger in the house. The twins have always been very shy, they are getting better but I didn't want them to go into their shells and the health visitor not see what they can really do!

Thankfully they came around eventually and they showed her exactly how well they are both doing!

The verdict that we got was that Taylor is developing right on track for his age, despite being 5 weeks premature. As for little Isabella she is more advanced, especially in her speech. I am so proud of the pair of them and looking back I wonder why I got myself so worked up! I know that they are both doing well, it's just reassuring to hear it from others.

Have a lovely weekend x

As always I am sharing my word of the week with the lovely Jocelyn at The Reading Residence

The Reading Residence


  1. That's wonderful, we do get worked up about these things don't we? Even though you know it's all fine, you worry that others won't see it! And, kids do tend to go silent when a stranger appears :) So lovely to get that reassurance, isn't it? #WotW

  2. Ah, that is good news. It is reassuring to hear what you feel from others, too. So pleased that it went well for you x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. That is fantastic news!! You should be one proud mum x


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