Friday 18 August 2017

Camping King Prawn Pasta & Holiday Adventures!

Last week we went on our first camping holiday. This is something that I have been looking forward to. Getting the kids (and me!) away from the television, away from the internet and just going back to basics a bit more. But what I was most looking forward to was cooking camping style. We went armed with a two ring gas stove and a couple of pans. I did take some food with us so that we did not need to go shopping straight away and took non perishable foods such as pasta, rice and tinned food. One meal that I knew that I would make would be one that uses fresh fish. I adore fish of all sorts and as we were staying just outside of Bridlington on the East Yorkshire coast so I knew exactly where I could find some. Next to the harbour is a little shop that sells fish that has been brought in fresh from the fishing boats. But before I tell you all about my recipe let me tell you a bit about our holiday!

There really is something soothing about being by the sea and we ventured down to the seafront for walks on all but one of the days that we were there. The children (and the hubby and I) loved walking, paddling and exploring. By the end of the day I was shattered but the kids were full of energy, I simply do not know where all of their energy came from. One day when it was just the kids and I (the hubby had to work for part of the week) we used the park and ride to go into the centre of Bridlington. This is where the stunning harbour is. When we arrived the tide was out and the children were fascinated by how the tide came in and out. As you can see on the picture above when we went in the evening the tide was in. This was the twins first UK seaside holiday and I relished in showing them how beautiful our country is, especially along the coastline.
Visiting the harbour gave the children the opportunity to learn where our seafood comes from. Yes, they know that fish comes from the sea, but visiting the harbour allowed them to see the traps that go in the sea and to see the boats that collect the fish for us to eat. We decided that king prawns were what we wanted to eat on that day and I had an idea how I would cook them. So we sourced some fresh ingredients from a local greengrocers and returned to the tent for a feast.

This is what I did...
Camping King Prawn Pasta


250g fresh king prawns (I used uncooked ones)
12 cherry tomatoes, halved
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tsp butter
White wine

1 - Melt the butter in a pan and add the king prawns and garlic

2 - Leave to cook for a couple of minutes, stirring frequently

3 - Add the cherry tomatoes and a good glug of white wine

4 - Bring the liquid to the boil then simmer for 5 minutes or until the wine has reduced down

5 - Serve on a bed of wholewheat pasta

This is such a simply yet delicious meal. The ingredients go together perfectly and there really is no need to add seasoning or herbs. This meal really does showcase how fresh, local produce is best!

Enjoy x

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Hijacked By Twins

1 comment:

  1. i love pasta and i love prawns, and seeing the combination of these two really make me drool. thank you for this amazing recipe, keep posting more


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