Monday 21 August 2017

Weekly Meal Plan - #MealPlanningMonday 2017 Week 34

Hello and welcome to week 34 of #MealPlanningMonday!

Sorry for the lack of a meal plan post last week, but we did have a meal plan thanks to the hubby. I left him in charge while we were away camping and he did a great job! 

This weeks meal plan is all about getting more vegetables into our diet. We have been a bit lazy with getting our five a day recently and we can feel it in our bodies. I can feel it round my waist and have put on a few pounds which need to be lost. My moods haven't been too good either so that has not helped. But time to get back on it, healthy eating, more exercise and counting down to returning to work, yes I am looking forward to getting back to work!

This is what we will be enjoying this week...
Week Commencing 21st August 2017

Monday - Spelt Pasta

On a recent shopping trip to Marks and Spencer's I found some lovely looking spelt pasta which we will be starting the week with. I will be serving it in a tomato sauce with salad and garlic bread (no bread for me!).

Tuesday - Chilli con Carne

This week I am going to make a lovely big pan of chilli con carne and make it last for two meals. On Tuesday we will have it with rice.

Wednesday - Chilli Cottage Pie

I am planning to make a Mexican style mash potato and top the chilli with mash and cover in cheese.

Thursday - Chicken, Chorizo and Prawn Rice

This is going to be similar to a paella and one that I am really looking forward to!

Friday - Truffle Pesto Pasta

For our Friday night treat I am going to make truffle pesto pasta with chicken and mushroom. I am planning to serve with a salad and some garlic bread.

As for the weekends meals I am going to plan them later in the week. What meals do you have planned this week? Feel free to join in with the #MealPlanningMonday blog hop!

Have a great week x

Hijacked By Twins

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  1. Good luck with getting more veggies into you. We seem to be eating less during the summer holidays. Oops. I love the sound of the Chilli Cottage Pie. What a great idea.


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x