Friday 4 August 2017

Summer Curd Tea Loaf

Since making my Raspberry and Blackcurrant Curd I have been using it in as many recipes as possible. As the curd contains egg yolk it needs using within a week. Not being one to like waste I have had so much fun experimenting and adding to bakes.

This recipe is based on my ginger tea loaf which is a firm favourite of the hubby. I have changed a few ingredients but have followed the basic ingredients. But as I had a lot of curd to use, this one has a delightfully fruity tang to it. It is a perfect tea loaf to have as a mid morning snack with a good cuppa!

This is what I did...

Summer Curd Tea Loaf


250g mixed dried fruit
200mls strong black tea
225g wholemeal flour
1tsp baking powder
150g light brown muscovado sugar
1 egg


1 - Soak the fruit in the strong black tea for a few hours, this will plump up the fruit

2 - Pre heat the oven to 180C

3 - Place the fruit and any remaining tea in a large mixing bowl and stir in the sugar

4 - Mix until the sugar is starting to dissolve into the tea

5 - Add the egg and mix thoroughly

6 - Sieve in the flour and baking powder and mix together

7 - Stir in the curd and spoon into a lined and greased loaf tin

8 - Place in the centre of the pre heated oven and bake for 45 - 55 minutes, check after 30 minutes and if the top is brown enough for your liking cover with foil until the loaf is completely baked

9 - Once a knife comes out clean remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly for 10 minutes before removing from the tin and leaving to cool on a cooling rack

This loaf is delicious served either warm or cold and with a generous layer of even more curd.

Adding the curd to the tea loaf has made it more moist and gooey. Plus the tang from the fruit leaves you wanting more!

This loaf has been my favourite mid morning snack whilst at work and has certainly helped me get to lunch time!

Enjoy x


  1. I can't wait to try this mouthwatering dish now. The ingredients used are so easily available in market. Keep sharing such yummy recipes. And thanks for this!

  2. That's an unusual recipe Kirsty. Quite delicious and I am sure it tastes amazing with a dollop of that gorgeous curd. x

  3. This recipe looks so tempting and mouthwatering. Recipes like these are perfect for hot summer days and kids just love them. I am surely making these for my kids today.


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x