Saturday 24 August 2013

Feeling Run Down

Im not feeling great at the moment so I am glad that it is a bank holiday weekend and I have got my hubby at home for an extra day.
I just feel so worn out and run down. Because of everything that is happening in our family at the moment I am worrying a lot which probably is not helping. I feel that I am worrying about everyone.
Obviously I am extremely worried about my grandad and the time we have left with him
I worry about my nanna. My grandad is her carer so therefore with him being poorly I worry about how my nanna is coping.
I worry about my dad. After all it is his dad that this is happening too. I know how I feel about my mum and dad and if I was faced with this news about either of them I would be devastated.
I worry about my sister. She lives even further away which must be hard.
My nanna and grandad living so far away doesn't help anyone. We are all trying to be there as much as we can for them.
On Wednesday my grandad has got a session of radiotherapy which in the short term will make him feel bad but in the long term will relieve the pain and will give him a better quality of life. This is what we need to remember when he is not good.
All of what is happening certainly does make you appreciate every single day and makes you thankful for what we have got. It is so easy to take life and people for granted and it is not until you are faced with life threatening situations you fully appreciate every hug, kiss, wink of an eye, every word spoken. I will cherish every single moment that we have left with my grandad. As a family we need to make this Christmas count as it may be our last one all together.
I thank God for all my family, my husband, my children, my mum and dad, my sister and her family, my grandparents, and my mother in law. Together we give each other all of the support that we need and together we will get through this.

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