Monday 24 October 2016

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 24th October 2016

The first half term for the children has been completed and we now have a week off! During the half term meal planning is even more important. As the twins have a hot school dinner in the evenings they have just been having a light meal so I am going the have to be organised. At the moment I am planning for us to all eat together in the evening, but if they are getting too hungry at lunchtime I will do them a hot dinner earlier. 

Last week I had my first Slimming World weigh in. Last week I was so good, I followed the plan 100% and was delighted to find that in my first week I had lost 4.5lbs! My target for this week is to loose 2.5lbs and get my first half stone award. So far, I am loving the food choices that the food plan is allowing me and have been eating a lot of free foods. My syns have mainly been a sneaky gin in the evening. However on Saturday the plan did go to pot. The day was manic, we have been redecorating J's bedroom and on Saturday we were putting up furniture, the kids were driving us crackers and I baked a Savarin! Cake and gin won and I enjoyed it. But from Sunday I was back on the plan and moving forward.

This week I am going to be paying particular attention to my lunches. With the children being at home snacking and picking is going to be more tempting so I need to plan even more.

This is what we will be enjoying this week...

Week Commencing 24th October 2016


Lunch - Omelette's and Salad

Dinner - Shepherds Pie


Lunch - Jacket Potatoes and Baked Beans

Dinner - Slimming World Bean Burgers


Lunch - Sandwiches for the children as we are going to the cinema in the morning, I will have a tuna salad.

Dinner - Baked Fish Cakes


Lunch - Homemade Tomato Soup

Dinner - Gammon and Pineapple served with baked wedges and vegetables


Lunch - Pasta Salad

Dinner - Smoked River Cobbler Kedgeree


Dinner - Stew and Dumplings (I will not be having dumplings but will have extra vegetables)

Do you meal plan? What are you having this week?

get the InLinkz code


  1. Oh well done on the weight loss, fingers crossed for the 2.5lb this week. Have a fun half term sounds like you have lovely meals planned x

    1. Thank you Emma, I have everything crossed for this week x

  2. That is an amazing weight loss last week and an amazing Savarin cake. Fingers crossed for this week!

  3. HUGE well done on the loss and the Savarin! Fingers crossed for this week's weigh in.


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x