Tuesday 4 October 2016

Homemade Pizza

For this weeks baking post with Aldi I thought that I would share with you a perfect recipe for easy homemade pizza dough. If you are looking for a fun meal that can be made with the kids then this is the recipe for you. Pizza dough is so quick and easy to make all you need is a good quality flour. On a recent shopping trip to Aldi I found the perfect flour on special buy. The Italian tipo '00' flour is a lovely fine flour that is ideal for pasta, pizza and grissini. As soon as I saw it, it was placed in my trolley and I went on the hunt for toppings. 

On Saturday I needed to keep the kids busy as the hubby was out so what better way to keep them busy than to bake? I prepared the dough then gave them a ball of dough each, the toppings and let them go!

This is what we did...

Homemade Pizza

Ingredients - makes 2 large or 4 small pizzas


450g Italian tipo '00' flour
7g dried instant yeast
7g salt
3tbsp olive oil
300mls water


Tomato puree
Fresh basil


Pre heat the oven to 200C

1 - Place the flour in the bowl of an electric mixer with a dough hook

2 - Add the yeast to one side and the salt on the opposite side

3 - Pour in the olive oil and three quarters of the oil

4 - Start mixing on a medium low speed until you have a rough dough, add a little more water if needed

5 - Once you have the dough texture speed up the mixer and leave for 5 minutes

6 - Remove the dough from the mixer and place on a lightly floured top and ensure that the dough is no longer sticky, if it is knead for a few minutes

7 - Divide the dough into the amount of pizzas you are making

8 - Stretch the dough with your hands until you have the size that you want and place on a stoneware pizza plate or if you are making them with the kids give them a sheet of kitchen foil that has been lightly dusted with some flour

9 - Spoon over the tomato puree base, sprinkle over the mozzarella, the more the better!

10 - Add the toppings according to taste, we used chorizo, cherry tomatoes and fresh basil

11 - If you want a thin based pizza place straight in the oven and bake for 10 - 12 minutes, if you want a deep pan base leave the topped pizzas to rest for 30 minutes before baking for 10 - 12 minutes

Remove from the oven and enjoy!

I know it is easier to buy a pre prepared pizza but it is no where near as much fun or as tasty! The beauty of making your own pizza dough is that you know exactly what has gone into it and you simply cannot beat the fresh taste of homemade dough!

I hope that with this recipe I have shown you how easy it is to make your own dough, so come on, get baking!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post

Link up your recipe of the week


  1. I love the shapes of the kids pizzas! You're so right. Homemade pizza is a world away from shop bought. We often have it on Fridays as a treat and the kids never tire of decorating their own. Thanks for adding to #CookBlogShare

  2. The Peachicks are always making homemade pizzas and these look great!! They really are so easy to make and taste so much nicer than shop bought ones - also means we can keep ours dairyfree so they are Peachick friendly! Currently their favourite thing to put on a pizza is courgette ribbons and frozen sweetcorn! #cookblogshare

  3. I love homemade Pizza Kirsty, they're far more tastier than shop bought and of course means we can pop on them exactly what we like. The cooked pizza that looks sooo enticing!
    Angela x
    PS I love your new banner.


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