Monday 31 October 2016

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 31st October 2016

Wow, tomorrow is November! The months are certainly flying by. The beginning of November is going to be a busy and exciting week. On Sunday J and I are going to his first ever concert. I am taking him to see Bring Me The Horizon and I cannot wait to be with him for his first concert. I think my son is going to be my concert buddy! Then next week I will be enjoying a festive feast at River Cottage with Foodies100. I love River Cottage and still can't quite believe that I am going!

Last week was half term and the meal plan went smoothly, especially the lunch time plan. It was such a success and easier I am going to continue planning my lunches as well as dinners.

Unfortunately my weigh in did not go as planned. I actually put on half a pound which I am going to put down to half term and not get down about it. Yes I was disappointed but this week is a new week.

This is what we will be enjoying this week...

Week Commencing 31st October 2016


Lunch - Roast beef toasted salad sandwich
Dinner - Sweet potato pasta bake


Lunch - Frittata
Dinner - Lemon baked basa, vegetables and potatoes


Lunch - Kale salad
Dinner - Chicken, jacket potatoes and salad


Lunch - Egg and tuna salad
Dinner - Prawn and smoked fish courgetti


Lunch - Soup
Dinner - Butternut squash curry

As for Saturday I am going to wait until nearer the time to decide. 

Do you meal plan? What have you got planned for this week? Join in with the #mealplanningmonday blog hop!

Have a great week x

get the InLinkz code


  1. Oh themail sweet potato pasta bake sounds really good, two of my favourite goods combined. Have a great week xx

    1. It is the first time I have made it so fingers crossed xx

  2. Stupid autocorrelation, goods is foods of course!


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x