Monday 3 October 2016

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 3rd October 2016

Welcome to another Weekly Meal Plan and the first one of the new month. I still can't believe we are in October! The year is flying by. October brings more autumnal weather and the return of comfort foods. Autumn is one f my favourite months. I love seeing the change of seasons, when I live abroad there was not the distinctive seasons like we have here and I really did miss them. I enjoy watching the garden as the seasons change and the change in seasonal vegetables. Once autumn arrives along with the colder days our meals feature a lot more root vegetables which are so versatile.

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October also means no alcohol! We have challenged ourselves to go sober for October. This is a big thing for us as we both enjoy a drink in the evening. I am looking forward to seeing some health changes and hopefully a weight loss. If I can raise a little bit of money for Macmillan along the way, fantastic. If you would like to sponsor me you can do here!

We are also cutting gluten out! Recently the hubby has been suffering with his excess acid. This is caused by a number of dietary issues, but one that always plays havoc for him is bread. He needs to have gluten free products but he has got lazy with it and is paying. So I am experimenting a lot with baking with gluten free products at the moment. 

I mentioned last week that we are eating healthier. This means more vegetables, poultry and fish in our diets and less red meat. As a family we are quite big red meat eaters, especially beef. We love minced beef, diced beef and of course steaks. This is another challenge, especially for me, the cook! When I did our weekly shop I stayed away from beef and stocked up on fish, chicken and turkey. I have found turkey mince and turkey steaks to not only be a healthy alternative but also a cheaper option! For our beloved minced beef dishes I have got a bag of Quorn mince in the freezer which, when cooked with beef stock and gravy, tastes just like beef!

This is what we will be enjoying this week...

Week commencing 3rd October 2016

Monday - Leftover Sunday Dinner Soup and Bread

When I cook a Sunday dinner I always cook more than we will need specifically for the leftovers. We will be starting the week with a leftover soup and homemade gluten free bread.

Tuesday - Celeriac Spaghetti and Kale Carbonara

This is a meal that I found in the amazing Hemsley and Hemsley Good and Simple cook book. I am curious to see what the kids make of the celeriac spaghetti. I will be preparing the spaghetti while they are not around!

Wednesday -Shepherdless Pie

On Wednesday I will be making Shepherdless pie, this is my veggie version of one of our favourite dishes. Instead of meat I'll be using Quorn.

Thursday - Korma Turkey Steaks, Jacket Potatoes and Vegetables

I will be marinating the turkey steaks in some korma paste then grilling them.

Friday - Fish Pie

Another favourite and a great way to increase our fish intake!

Do you meal plan? What are you planning to have this week?

Feel free to join in with the Meal Planning Monday blog hop!

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  1. Good luck with the no drinking. Eek!
    What a great way to use the leftovers from the Sunday dinner!
    The Korma Turkey Steaks sound tasty...Another great idea x

  2. Good plan re making the celeriac spaghetti when kids are out!

  3. I'm interested to hear how the celeriac spaghetti goes down with the kids!


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x