Wednesday 12 October 2016

Dotty's Yearbook with Whiskas

Today I am sharing with you a post that is a little different from usual. Today I am sharing with you a post about our cat. Family and friends often refer to us as the good life family as we grow our own vegetables and have a lot of animals. We are out numbered by animals, we own 3 chickens, 2 rabbits, 2 dogs, 1 hamster and our dear little cat, Dotty. So when the leading cat food brand, Whiskas, got in contact and asked if I would like to share a year book style collage of Dotty I thought it would be a lot of fun.

Dotty is the first cat that we have had and we simply could not have asked for a softer, more loving cat. We got her as a kitten two years ago when the twins were two so both Dotty and the twins have grown together therefore there is a strong bond between them. We often find Dotty asleep in the twins bedroom either on the floor or alternating between their beds. She really is a valued member of the family.

Whiskas have started their Kitten Kollage campaign to celebrate the joy of owning a cat and the pleasure that they bring to our lives. They have developed a You Tube channel which specialises in educating people on how to care for their kittens and also inspires owners with their videos that have been set up in a mock college environment. The videos are not only informative but are also great fun and the kittens are the cutest! After watching a few of the videos I did get sentimental about the kitten days and spent most of the morning looking through pictures of Dotty from the first day that we met her. I have selected just a few of my favourite shots to create a Dotty memory post...

We have had such a fun two and a half years with Dotty. To keep your cat full of energy they must have a healthy and balanced diet. Whiskas cat food provides all of the nutritional goodness in either wet or dry food but the one thing that they cannot provide is love, care and attention. That is all down to us as owners. The more love we show our pets the more that they will show us.

Do you have a cat? If so why not take part in this fun campaign by snapping your cat and adding a fun caption. If you do tweet me at @k_phillipson and Whiskas at @whiskas_uk and I will share your fun snaps!

Disclosure: This post is a collaboration with WHISKAS®, but all thoughts are my own. Check out their website for more information on their cat food and their YouTube channel for fantastic Kitten Kollege videos.


  1. I am glad it isnt just my cats that take sips from my drinks!

  2. Cute pics, unfortunately my hubby and I are both allergic to cats so we won't be having any x

  3. Awwww Dotty is so cute - sounds like a fun campaign :)


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