Sunday 27 December 2015

20th December - 31st December 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

Christmas week arrived and certainly did not go to plan. But despite everything we had a lovely Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

That is another Project365 completed. I have taken and shared a picture everyday throughout 2015. Now we have welcomed 2016 in I will be continuing my photographic diary. But as this year is a leap year it will be my Project366! I look forward to documenting our year in pictures.

This is how 2015 ended in pictures...

Sunday 20th December 2015

To help us get into the festive spirit we went to visit one of our favourite garden centres in the area. This really is so much more than a garden centre as they have a beautiful landscape garden to walk around and the kids love to run some energy off. We had a look round the shop and left with some delicious Christmas foodie treats.

Monday 21st December 2015

Monday started off well. I tackled the twins bedroom for the pre Christmas clear out. After doing Joseph's and our bedroom over the weekend only their room was left. I managed to get rid of so many bits that were just cluttering the room up. As a treat the kids got a McDonald's for lunch. Then at tea time everything went down hill. Isabella started being sick and was not keeping anything down. I ended up sleeping on their bedroom floor for half the night as she was so poorly. Over the weekend the hubby boxed in some pipes in the kitchen and made me a spice rack. That was my only picture of the day!

Tuesday 22nd December 2015

Tuesday was a nightmare of a day. Both Joseph and I woke up and were sick all day along with little Isabella. Taylor was the only well one in the house as the hubby was at work. The three of us spent the day in bed while Taylor sat watching DVDs in our bedroom. I did manage to start taking some blog pictures but only managed the one! This is of my great new blogger planner Stick To Stigu.

Wednesday 23rd December 2015

On Wednesday we were starting to feel more ourselves. We started to eat a little and gradually picked up. By the evening we were all back to our usual selves. After a couple of days off I got a bit behind with some posts so I spent the evening blogging and getting ready for a few days off. Wednesday evening felt like Christmas had arrived. The hubby had finished work for the holidays and we wrapped some more presents once the kiddies were in bed!

Thursday 24th December 2015

Christmas Eve!!! The day started with the hubby and I going to collect the Christmas Day food order. Then we spent the day together as a family and getting ready for Santa's visit! In the afternoon the twins and I did some Christmas baking so that Santa had a fresh mince pie!

Friday 25th December 2015

Christmas Day was a little different to usual. Normally we spend the day with either my parents or the hubby's mum, but as we had been sick his mum decided to stay at home. So we had Christmas Day just the five of us. After the present opening and dinner we enjoyed a walk with the dogs. Trying to get a picture of the five of us always end up looking like this, but it is my family and I would not change them for the world!

Saturday 26th December 2015

Boxing Day started off with a lazy morning playing with Christmas presents. Followed by a second Christmas Day with my parents. We had a lovely meal and loved spending time with them.

Sunday 27th December 2015

On Sunday we went out for a lovely walk round Normanby Hall. This is one of our favourite places to go. This gave us all the chance to get some fresh air and the kids a chance to run some energy off!

Monday 28th December 2015

My mum and dad bought us a Blu-Ray for Christmas so on Monday we went shopping a bought a couple. When we saw this Back to the Future bundle we had to get it. We started by watching the first one with Joseph on Monday. I cannot wait to show him the second one and he sees how movie makers thought 2015 would be!

Tuesday 29th December 2015

One thing that I do like about having the hubby home is that I get more time to myself. It has been lovely to have chance to get ready properly in the morning. On Tuesday we went out for lunch and did a bit of shopping.

Wednesday 30th December 2015

Wednesday was a mum and Joe day. We went out the two of us to the opticians and to sell his Skylanders that he no longer plays with. We both needed new glasses so we will need to collect them in a couple of weeks. Joseph was over the moon to get £50 for all of his Skylanders and I am pleased that they didn't go to waste!

Thursday 31st December 2015

We spent new years eve at the hubby's mums house. The twins and I enjoyed a lot of jigsaw time, with their new puzzles. The twins had a later night than normal and Joseph managed to stay up to see the new year in. We had a quiet evening with a few drinks, a board game and a film.

That is it! 2015 is complete! I wish you all a happy and healthy 2016 and I hope you join me on my third year of tracking my year in pictures.

What Katy Said
Running in Lavender


  1. What a nightmare to be ill just before xmas! Sounds like you still managed to get loads done though! :) #happydays

  2. I'm so sorry you will were ill before Christmas, but it sounds like you managed to have a lovely break. Love the family selfie and the reflection shot x Happy New Year!

  3. Glad that you were better in time for Christmas and that you had a nice day at home. Well done on managing to have a pre-Christmas declutter too - so satisfying to have a clear out, isn't it? :-)

  4. Oh hun, so sorry that you have been ill. I hope the germs have all gone now. I love your reflection picture, fab xx

  5. Gorgeous photos - I love the reflective one on Sunday 27th, that is beautiful #mycapturedmoment

  6. What a shame about the tummy bug, hope it was not caused by the McD's. Hope MIL was not too disappointed at not getting to spend the day with you.
    What a fab way to block in some pipes.
    Great to get some time on your own with Joesph.
    What a novel reflection picture, I like that

  7. Ah you've done it!!! A picture a day for a full year, well done! It's only day three and I've already failed... These are as always great captures. That whiskey is one of my hubby's favourites!! Sad to hear about the tummy bug, I hope it passed quickly and didn't spoil the season too much.

    Thank you for linking up again to #mycapturedmoment and supporting me in 2015 xx

  8. So glad you were all well in time for the big day. Love that first photo. Happy New Year #365

  9. Goodness me a whole year of photos, youve done so well! Sorry to hear you were poorly in the run up to Christmas but i bet it was nice just to have the day to yourselves. Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

  10. I love that photo of the five of you, you have done fantastically well to do a photo a day for a year! Thanks for sharing with #HappyDaysLinky x


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