Sunday 20 December 2015

Travelling With Children Over Christmas

As the Christmas holidays arrive I am sure many of you will be thinking about travelling with children. Whether it is to travel to visit families or whether you are going on holiday travelling with children can be hard at the best of times but with the added excitement of Christmas it is even more important that they have plenty to keep them occupied.

Here are my top tips for keeping them busy on long journeys.

Pack a Festive Packed Lunch

How many times do you hear from the kids "I'm hungry!" when on a journey, I know ours say it a lot. So the best way to keep their tummies happy is with a festive packed lunch. If you look in the supermarket there are some fantastic, disposable plates, napkins and straws which will make the pack up even more fun. Even add a cracker for a bit more excitement.

Pack the children some sandwiches cut into festive shapes. Cookie cutters are great for this. Fill the sandwiches with turkey, cranberry and brie, that is a favourite here! Make some festive buns or a good piece of chocolate cake will go down a treat!

Portable DVD Player and Tablets

Since having the twins portable DVD players and the tablets have become a necessity when on long journeys. The night before you are due to travel make sure they are fully charged, pack the headphones and a selection of Christmas movies and enjoy the peace! At this time of year our favourite movies are Frozen, Mickey's Christmas Carol and The Snowman.

Christmas Music

Christmas music is always a great way to get everyone in the mood. Put it on, turn it up loud and all enjoy a sing along! "Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way!"

Activity Packs

This year I have found Tesco have got a lot of great Christmas arts and crafts packs to keep the children busy. These hand held festive colouring books are great for the kids to carry and have on their laps during a long journey. Costing only a couple of pounds you cannot go wrong! Just do not forget to pack some colouring pencils!

Plan Stops

If you are travelling by car try and have planned stop off points where everyone can get out of the car, have a stretch and have a toilet stop.

Make it Fun

I think that this is one of the most important things that you can do to make the journey better for everyone. Make it fun, talk to the children, point things out to them in the car, share facts about where you are going, take photographs and make magical memories together. After all that is what Christmas is about for children. Making magical memories that they will treasure. Don't forget that Santa will find you wherever you are!

Whether you are travelling this Christmas or spending time at home I hope you all have a very merry Christmas. Here is to a happy and healthy new year!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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