Monday 14 December 2015

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 14th December 2015

I don't know if it is because of the time of year and being so busy lately but my meal plans have not been going to plan. After a couple of busy days I have felt so tired by dinner time we have settled for quick, easy meals.

Despite the last couple of weeks I am continuing to meal plan as I know that it does work and that my life is so much more organised by having it.

Last week I shared a variety of foodie posts from a delicious cake recipe to the contents from Novembers Degustabox. This week I am also including my CookBlogShare round up post. I now organise and host with some other bloggers the foodie linky CookBlogShare. I thought I would share it here so if you ever have any recipes that you would like to link up you know how to find us. Here is a quick round up of last weeks foodie posts...

I have included my Blog It Forward post as it is for a great cause and you can also join in and help raise some money for Habitat for Humanity. For every post that is written about a good dead that you have done during December that has the #BlogItForward badge, Wayfair will donate £50! For more information visit Wayfair.

Anyway back to meal planning. Having more vegetarian meals has been a huge success. It has been so much more successful than I imagined and we will continuing eating that way.

This is what we will be enjoying this week....

Monday 14th December 2015

Chicken Stir Fry - Last week I bought a stir fry for a change. I love adding any other vegetables that need using up into the stir fry.

Tuesday 15th December 2015

Mushroom Quinoa and Buckwheat Risotto - This was a meal that was planned last week. This is a meal that I am planning to share so keep an eye out!

Wednesday 16th December 2015

Chicken Dinner - On Wednesday Joseph is having his Christmas dinner at school. As soon as the twins heard that he was having a Christmas dinner they also wanted one. So on Wednesday I am cooking the twins a chicken Christmas dinner for when they get home from nursery.

Thursday 17th December 2015

Lentil Cottage Pie - When I first made my Meat Free Cottage Pie it was a success with everyone. As I have some root vegetables that I need to use up this meal is ideal.

Friday 18th December 2015

Ploughman - Fridays have become our treat night. This week I will be making us a ploughman's dinner. We had one last week and thoroughly enjoyed it.

As always I am leaving Saturdays meal until nearer the time. The children break up from school on Friday so I have a feeling that next week is going to be manic and that meal planning will save my sanity! 

Hope you have a great week x

1 comment:

  1. That cake looks delicious. I'mean glad the meat free eating is going well, I may try and implement it in our house!


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