Friday 26 May 2017

Date and Walnut Bread with Kenwood kMix

Last week I told you about the latest addition to my kitchen, the Kenwood kMix. I love baking and the kMix food mixers make it even easier and quicker. The first recipe that I shared was for my deliciously gooey rhubarb and ginger cake, this week I am sharing a bread recipe made with the kMix using the dough hook.

I used to have the Kenwood Prospero food mixer and when making a large batch of dough I found that it did struggle a little so I was definitely curious to see how the more sturdy and robust kMix would handle some dough. The kMix is an all round larger and stronger mixer so I was hopeful. After buying a date and walnut loaf the other week I decided to have a go at making my own.

This is what I did...

Date and Walnut Bread


250g wholemeal flour
250g dark rye flour
7g fast action yeast
7g salt
3 tbsp olive oil
300mls water
50g chopped walnuts
25g chopped dried dates


1 - Place the wholemeal and dark rye flour into the stand mixer bowl

2 - Add the yeast on one side and the salt on the other ensuring that the salt does not come into contact with the yeast

3 - Pour in the oil and two thirds of the water and start the mixer on a low medium speed

4 - As the ingredients come together add more water until you have a rough dough

5 - Turn the speed down to minimum and leave the mixer to knead the dough for about 5 minutes

6 - Remove the dough from the bowl and knead into a ball, oil the bowl and return the dough, cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for about an hour or until the dough has doubled in size

7 - Once the dough has doubled in size remove from the bowl and knead again to knock out the air

8 - Mould the dough with your hands into a sausage shape and place on a baking tray that has been dusted with flour and cover with either cling film or place in a large plastic bag

9 - Pre heat the oven to 220C and place a roasting tin of water into the bottom of the oven, this will create steam

10 - Once your loaf has doubled in size again remove the covering, score with a sharp knife and place in the centre of the pre heated oven and bake for 20 - 30 minutes or until you have a hollow sound when you tap the base of the loaf

11 - Once baked and golden remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack

This is such a versatile bread that can be eaten with a sweet topping, such as peanut butter or with a savoury topping such as soft cheese.

We also enjoyed it with meat, cheeses and a balsamic and olive oil dip.

As I had expected the kMix had no problems with the dough. However it is not recommended to use a high speed when mixing dough.

Do you make bread? What is your favourite bread to make?

My next Kenwood kMix recipe is going to be a meringue based recipe. This will give me the chance to try out the balloon whisk attachment!

Enjoy x

Pin me for later!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post


  1. I really need to experiment with some new bread flavours..... I have a couple of great bead recipes now that are my 'go to's'..... I really need to push them that bit further to test them.
    This loaf sounds delicious though x

  2. Love this recipe Kirsty! I do bake a lot of bread but tend to pick up nice flavoured loaves from my local bakery or supermarket! Your recipe looks nice, easy and healthy too with wholemeal and rye flours so pinned it for later and will get baking :) PS. I LOVE my KMix! It was my Xmas gift after my now 6.5 year old son was born. Got the black one and couldn't live without it! :) x

  3. I love this recipe Kirsty! I haven't baked bread in a while but when I do I love incorporating different flavours like these! I can see this work perfectly on a cheeseboard!

  4. I love this recipe, Kirsty, can't imagine a healthier bread, all I need is the Kenwood kMix to make it in:) #CookBlogShare

  5. Date and walnut bread is so good! Must make this soon.

  6. I love my Kenwood Chef but I also love the more retro look of the KMix too. Some times a good quality stand mixer is a must. Great for making bread. Walnut and date is a classic I love and yours look fabulous. I can't tell you my favourite bread I love so many both sweet and savoury but thats the bakers daughter in me!

  7. I love the sound of date and walnut bread Kirsty, it's a flavour i've never tried before! I love homemade bread but i've not made any for quite a while, our standmixer despite having a dough hook seems to take ages to get the dough to the right stage!
    Angela x

  8. I love the sound of this bread, it really makes me think that I need to make more homemade bread as it really is so easy with a mixer!


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x