Wednesday 10 May 2017

Wholemeal and Rye Seeded Loaf - #RealBreadWeek

This week it is Real Bread Week. Real Bread Week is a time to celebrate your local bakers and get making your own bread. Baking bread is a passion that has been reignited. When the twins were smaller I did not buy bread, I only made it. But then life took over and time became an issue so I resigned to that fact that it was easier to buy bread. But now that the twins are at school, I have some more time and have been baking bread again. After I baked for the first time in months I remembered what it was that I loved about baking bread. The whole process of mixing the ingredients together, seeing them come together, feeling them change during kneading, and how after baking the dough you have a loaf of bread.

As it is Real Bread Week it is only fitting that I share a bread recipe with you. On a recent shopping trip to Aldi I found some lovely organic flour on special buy. So I got stocked up with a variety of spelt, wholemeal, Italian 'tipo 00' and dark rye flour. combined with Aldi's The Pantry strong wholemeal flour I have created a delicious bread.

This is what I did...

Rye and Wholemeal Seeded Loaf


300g The Pantry strong wholemeal flour
200g dark rye flour
7g instant yeast
10g salt
35mls olive oil
300mls warm water
50g mixed seeds


1 - Place the wholemeal flour and the dark rye flour in a large mixing bowl

2 - Add the salt on one side of the bowl and the yeast on the other, ensuring they do not mix together. If they come into contact at this stage the yeast will not rise the dough

3 - Pour in the olive oil and three quarters of the warm water and either using your hands or an electric mixer with a dough hook bring the ingredients together to form a rough dough

4 - If you are using your hands, this is where the hard work starts, as the rye flour has low gluten content it will need to be kneaded longer than usual. You will need to knead the dough for about 15 minutes or until you have a smooth finish to the dough and it has become stretchy. If you are using a machine it will be quicker

5 - Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with either cling film or a tea towel and leave to prove for about an hour or until it has doubled in size

6 - Once the dough has doubled in size remove from the bowl and knock out the air from the dough and flatten the dough, sprinkle over the mixed seeds, reserving some for the topping

7 - Fold the dough over and start to knead in the seeds

8 - Once you have a smooth dough again place it on a floured baking tray and cover with cling film and leave to prove for another hour

9 - Pre heat the oven to 220°C

10 - Remove the cling film and score a cross on the top of the loaf and sprinkle over the remaining seeds and place in the oven and bake for 30 - 40 minutes or until the loaf sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom side

11 - Remove from the oven and allow to cool, if you can, before slicing

This is such a delicious bread that is delicious when still slightly warm with butter melting into it. If you have never made bread, give it a go, it is easier than you think!

Enjoy x

Pin me for later!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post


  1. This is a wonderfully recipe full of goodness.I have only made gluten free bread so far, now thinking to do some break baking for my family.

  2. This looks tasty and tempting, book marked it to try soon.

  3. I find making bread very relaxing actually and very rewarding too. your loaf looks delicious Kirsty and I bet it would be lovely with some proper butter spread on it while it was still a little warm x

  4. This sounds delicious Kirsty. Rye bread is one of my favourites - I'd love a few slices of this for breakfast tomorrow.

  5. I've been meaning to make rye bread for so long, I've even bought the flour for it, I think I'll finally give it a go this weekend:) Your bread looks scrumptious:)

  6. Your bread looks gorgeous - I'm a big fan of seeded loaves. I used to make my own bread all the time before having children but then found everyone just ate too much and I didn't have time any more. I still like to make it occasionally though and probably enjoy it all the more when I do!

  7. Sounds utterly delicious...I make something very similar but as a soda bread (which I really love as it is super quick!). Thanks for linking it up to #CookBlogShare :-) Eb x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x