Monday 11 April 2016

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 11th April 2016

Today is the last day of the children's Easter holiday. The last two and a half weeks have flown by! It has been lovely having lazy morning but I am ready for the school routine to be back again.

This weeks meal plan is a balanced mixture of vegetarian and meat dishes, and are all healthy meals. Since getting my healthy eating mojo back I have lost the weight that I put on and am feeling so much better for it.

This is what we will be enjoying this week...

Week Commencing 11th April 2016

Monday - Squash and Mushroom Risotto

We all enjoy risotto and it is a meal which I have not cooked in a while. So when I found a squash that needed using and what better way than to make a risotto.

Tuesday - Chickpea and Quinoa Curry

This is a Deliciously Ella recipe and is so good! Last time I made it everyone enjoyed it and I am looking forward to making it again.

Wednesday - Spiced Turkey Breast Steaks

On Wednesday I will be marinading some turkey steaks in spices before grilling them. I will be serving them with jacket potatoes and salad/vegetables.

Thursday - Spaghetti

On Thursday I will be making a spaghetti dish of mixed green vegetables and pesto.

Friday - Fish Friday

This week we will have healthy fish and chips.

We will decide what to have at the weekend nearer the time.

As always I am sharing my weekly meal plan with At Home with Mrs M Meal Planning Monday.

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  1. Everything sounds delicious. I do like the sound of the Squash and Mushroom Risotto.
    Have a great week x

  2. The risotto sounds absolutely lovely, I am terrible at making risotto though! Have a fab week x

  3. Sounds delicious I love delcious Ella! Thanks for visiting my blog o #tastytuesdays

  4. I love the sound of your curry - I bought a Deliciously Ella book at Britmums! I'll have to dig it out I think... x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x