Friday 22 April 2016

9th April - 22nd April 2016 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

You will notice that this week I have written a two week summary. I was almost ready to publish my post last Saturday. That was until disaster struck! Last Saturday, which was also our 5th wedding anniversary, ended up being a complete nightmare of a day. I will explain more when I get to the day. 

These last two weeks have seen a holiday booked, foodie pictures, sunny walks and a home disaster!

Here are my two weeks in pictures...

Saturday 9th April 2016

Ever since the twins watched the SpongeBob Square Pants movie they have been asking, non stop, for krabby patties. So on Saturday I made homemade burgers and called them krabby patties. They were a huge success! On Saturday we booked a holiday for the next school holiday up in Scotland.

Sunday 10th April 2016

When I was writing my meal plan on Sunday and looking through my cook books I noticed this quote in Deliciously Ella's Everyday and I love it! I can relate to this so much, if I am hungry I am tired and such a grump!
Monday 11th April 2016

Monday was an exciting day. On Monday we were able to download Star Wars The Force Awakens on Sky. So on Monday morning we had a Star Wars morning. The film was just as good the second time round!

Tuesday 12th April 2016

Tuesday was back to school day! We were all ready to walk and the heavens opened and it rained all day long! Once the kiddies were all we started Peaky Blinder from the beginning in anticipation for the new series that is coming soon!

Wednesday 13th April 2016

This is the happy face of a mum walking the kiddies to school on a sunny morning!

Thursday 14th April 2016

This week I am starting a new weekly feature in collaboration with Aldi. Every week I will be sharing a recipe that I have made using products from Aldi. On Thursday I made Pesto, Mushroom and Pancetta Chicken.

Friday 15th April 2016

On Friday while I was cooking dinner Taylor kept coming in to show me the towers that he had made. When he came with this one he shouted "Mummy take my picture!" so I did.

Saturday 16th April 2016

Saturday started off perfectly, it was the hubby and I's 5th wedding anniversary. I took Isabella to ballet where she was awarded a certificate for the most promising pupil from the last term. Proud does not sum up how pleased we are with her! But the day was not going to carry on being so perfect. In the afternoon we went to visit my parents and when we returned home we were greeted to water pouring through the ceiling! Before we had gone out Joseph had been in the bathroom and had left the sink tap running with the plug in! We could not believe our eye when we saw all of the water! As all of the electric were off and everything was so wet we spent the night at my mother in laws.

Sunday 17th April 2016

On Sunday I was due to attend a food event in Malton which I had to cancel due to what had happened at home. On Sunday we spent the day cleaning the house and drying everything out. It was such a huge job and took all day but we were just grateful to be back home. We do need a lot of work doing but thankfully we had taken out accidental cover on our home and contents insurance!

Monday 18th April 2016

I spent the majority of Monday morning on the telephone trying to sort out the insurance. I was delighted by how quick they have started to deal with the claim. We even had an assessor visit to look at the damage. But I still managed a foodie picture for a blog post to come.

Tuesday 19th April 2016

On Tuesday I cooked our first Foodieseeker meal of Meatballs Carnival Style.

Wednesday 20th April 2016

Wednesday was a gorgeously sunny day! On days like that I love to eat salad. I was really pleased with how well this one turned out so will definitely be blogging it!

Thursday 21st April 2016

Thursday was another glorious day so I spent the morning in the garden and even picked some fresh leeks for tea, fresh rhubarb for a pudding and eggs from the chickens. I later spent the afternoon creating a new dessert!

Friday 22nd April 2016

This was the finish product from Thursdays afternoon cooking. I used the fresh rhubarb from the garden, fresh eggs for the custard and meringue. This is a delicious dessert that I will be writing about next week! Tonight the hubby and I are going out for a meal to make up for last weeks disaster of a day!

As always I am sharing with...

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender
What Katy Said


  1. All the food looks so good and those burgers look amazing.
    Oh no! What a nightmare with the water. I hope you have got everything sorted now.
    Enjoy your meal out tonight and happy anniversary to you both x

  2. What a fun idea! One pic a day! Granted I take like 40 pics a day, ha ha! I love it though and I love my phone(s) because they keep the date on all of them, so I know EXACTLY what I was doing ONE YEAR or TWO YEARS or more ago on this exact day!!

  3. Oh god what a nightmare, hope the insurance people get things sorted for you quickly. All your meals look devine #366

  4. Thank goodness you have the accidental insurance cover and hopefully they will sort it all for you, a nightmare regardless. Thank goodness for the in-laws offering you a roof for the night
    Lots of delicious food pictures for us this fortnight.
    Nice to see the sun out
    Hope you are having a great date night

  5. Happy anniversary huni, all that yummy food! xx

  6. Oh my goodness, that could so easily happen to anyone but thank goodness you had insurance to cover it! I am very jealous of all your food. My mission this week is to get back to making home cooked meals at dinner time so I will come back and look for inspiration here.

  7. sorry to hear about the flood, i learnt a hard and expensive lesson when I didn't have accidental damage cover, good to hear the insurance company are dealing with quickly, hope it gets sorted soon

  8. Yum I love your krabbie pattys
    So sorry to hear about the flood but thank god your insurance company are on it quickly!

  9. eeeeeek Kirsty i remember seeing a tweet or FB status about the leak. What a nightmare to come home to and poor Joseph, i bet he felt really bad about it. So pleased it is getting sorted so quickly though . Lots of yummy recipes there Kirsty - enough to make me hungry x

  10. As always gorgeous looking food!! We got caught in a crazy downpour on the school run last week too, just what you need first thing in the morning. Congratulations on your collaboration with Aldi, what a great feature! Thanks for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  11. What a nightmare! I hope you can repair all the water damage quite quickly! Your foodie pictures look amazing! #MyCapturedMoment

  12. Oh noooooooooooo!!! I hope the insurance have sorted everything by now hun! Hope this week has been a better one. #HappyDaysLinky x

  13. Oh no what a disaster! I hope everything is sorted by now and that you've had a better week this week. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x

  14. All the food looks amazing, but what a disaster about the water damage! Hope it's getting sorted quickly for you x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x