Monday 9 January 2017

Weekly Meal Plan - Week 2 2017

It is not often that I say this but thank goodness it's Monday and a new week!

Last week was manic. J returned to school on Tuesday while the twins returned on Wednesday. Just as I was getting stuck into some jobs on Thursday I got a text message from J's school to inform me that the school was having an emergency closure! After just 2 days at school they were closed again due to a power cut, then on Friday it was a teacher training day so last week was not as "back to routine" as I was hoping. But this week, fingers crossed, everything will be back to normal.

In my meal plan last week I told you about how I was planning our meals following the FODMAP plan. Last week this was a huge success. All of our meals were delicious and I really am looking forward to continuing on with this eating plan and hope to find that it does make a difference to the hubby's digestive health.

Slimming World crispy chicken with low FODMAP, syn free naked salad

Broccoli pizza, recipe coming this week

Last weeks weigh in went really well. I was delighted to have lost 2.5lbs. With another 1.5lbs I will be back to where I was just before Christmas. I will admit to being a bit worried for this weeks weigh in after a bit of an off plan weekend. But to make up for it I am going to be following the SP plan for the week. The SP plan is eating speedy vegetables and protein packed foods. This means no potatoes, pasta, rice, just lots of fruit, vegetables and protein. I am hoping to turn this week around after the weekend. I also need to step up my exercise activities but now that the twinnies are back at school the school run makes a huge difference.

Back to this weeks meal plan. This is what we will be enjoying this week...

Week 2 2017

Monday - Butternut Squash Stir Fry

To start the week we will be having a stir fry made with butternut squash noodles and packed full of delicious vegetables. For added protein I will be adding peanuts to the dish. The peanuts will be part of my healthy extra foods for the day.

Tuesday - Fish Tagine

My Christmas present from my 12 year son as a gorgeous tagine. He had remembered that I said, once while watching television, that I'd love a tagine. He found one, showed the hubby and told him that he wanted to get me one as a gift. Tomorrow I am going to have a go cooking with it for the first time. I am going to make a fish stew and will keep my fingers crossed that it is a success!

Wednesday - Curried Chicken Traybake

As I do my food shopping on Thursday I like to plan a meal that I can use up any bits of veg that is left in the fridge and a traybake is a perfect way to do just that.

Thursday - Squash, Swede and Chickpea Tagine

Hopefully after a successful first try with the tagine I will be making a second tagine meal on Thursday. This stew style meal is full of super speedy veg and a great meal to have the evening before a weigh in!

Friday - Venison Steak, Chips and Salad

While shopping over the weekend I found some lovely lean venison steaks reduced to clear. They have been frozen and will be this weeks date night meal. This is a meal that I am really looking forward to.

Saturday - Cottage Pie

Cottage pie is the only meal that did not get cooked last week. So I will be cooking it on Saturday as it is a great filling comfort meal.

And that is another week planned. Do you meal plan? What will you be having this week?

Wishing you a great week x


  1. Oh wow! Your food looks amazing! I'm not keen on broccoli but that Broccoli pizza looks fantastic. What a great idea. It sounds like you have some great meals planned for this week x

    1. The broccoli pizza was amazing! I also made a cauliflower and my cauli hating son loved it! x

  2. Have fun with the tagine ! Is it a "real" one or an electric one? If it's one that you put on the hob, make sure you use a heat diffuser or a piece of folded up tinfoil underneath, otherwise it can crack (according to our Moroccan cookery guide when we were on holiday). If you want some different tagine recipes to try, I have a few :

    1. Hi Cheryl, it is a real tagine I cannot wait to have a go. Thank you for the reminder about the heat diffuser, one is now on it's way! x

  3. The traybake sounds yummy. Lots of yummy veg in your plan this week. Xx

    1. We are looking forward to the tray bake, even much so the hubby has requested it be moved a day earlier :-) x

  4. lots of lovely sounding meals in there this week - interested to see the broccolli pizza recipe x

    1. I made a cauliflower base which was lovely but then found out that cauliflower is high in FODMAPS so tried with broccoli and found it even better! x

  5. Oh yum, I love venison! Must look into getting some as this has really made me crave some. I'm really looking forward to seeing your FODMAP meals each week - a lot of people write about FODMAP but I rarely ever see people share actual recipes/plans of how they stick to it. Love the look of that broccoli pizza too - will keep an eye out for the recipe :)

    1. I also found that with FODMAP and that is one reason why I am going to share my recipes. Once you know the high and low FODMAP foods it really is not difficult. I am just finding that it takes time checking before I cook. The broccoli pizza was so good, I even preferred it to a regular pizza x

  6. That pizza base looks so good! Love a good tagine, hope you enjoy cooking yours tomorrow!

  7. That broccoli pizza looks interesting. It's the one veg my kids actually eat without complaining so I might attempt that!

  8. That veggie pizza looks SO good. Pizza has to be one of the foods I miss the most being on Slimming World. Did you follow a recipe?


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x