Monday 20 March 2017

Gluten Free and Refined Sugar Free Easter Cupcakes - #FreeFromEaster

Following on from the Free From Pancakes collaboration I am, again, joining forces with some amazing free from bloggers to bring you a free from Easter.

I have been told by the hubby that he misses my baking so I am going to be experimenting a lot more with gluten free bakes. I will admit I have found the thought of baking gluten free quite daunting. I can bake gluten free cakes but I am yet to perfect a loaf and still need to try making pastry. So over the coming months I am going to rediscover my baking passion. I find reading the other free from blogs so inspiring and they really do give me the confidence to try more. My aim is to show you that it is possible to create baked treats that are gluten free and will please the whole family, not just those that follow a gluten free diet.

For my first of two free from Easter bakes I have made some delicious chocolate cup cakes and next week I will be sharing a savoury recipe. So keep an eye out for that one!

Today's recipe is a simple sponge cupcake but is gluten free and free from refined sugar. This is what I did...

Gluten Free and Refined Sugar Free Easter Cupcakes

Ingredients - Makes 8 cupcakes

15g cocoa powder
110g baking spread
75g agave nectar
2 eggs
Pinch of xanthan gum
50g free from chocolate
40g gluten free cereal flakes, I used Nature's Path Mesa Sunrise, crushed


Pre heat the oven to 180C

1 - Place the flour, spread, agave nectar, eggs and cocoa in a bowl and mix thoroughly

2 - Divide the mixture between 8 cupcake cases and place in the centre of the pre heated oven and bake for 20 minutes

3 - Once the cakes are thoroughly baked, remove from the oven and leave to cool completely on a cooling rack

4 - Once the cakes have cooled melt the free from chocolate in a glass bowl over a pan of boiling water

5 - Drizzle the melted chocolate over the cupcakes

6 - Scatter over the crushed gluten free flakes, they will represent a nest

7 - Decorate with the mini eggs in the centre of the crushed flakes, to balance the larger Daim eggs you will need to cut out a small circle of the cake in the centre

The gluten free flakes not only look great but they also add a welcomed crunch to the cakes.

I have used mini eggs and Daim eggs but you can use any chocolate egg that you wish!

For more FreeFromEaster ideas check out these amazing free from blog posts..
Pin me for later!

Enjoy x


  1. Good grief! These look totally fabulous. I'm going to make them using rice syrup, maple syrup or honey as agave is too high in fructose for me. I love this recipe!

  2. Brilliant, love all these #FreeFromEaster posts, this one is soooo indulgent, brill idea with the cereal x

  3. These look fab! I could definitely make them dairy free just by removing the mini eggs! Fab recipe!

  4. It's definitely a challenge to make gluten free bakes that non-gluten free people enjoy too. These look great. I hope you rediscover your baking passion!

  5. Oh wow Kirsty - these just look and sound amazing! When we tried the Free From Fairy flour the whole family loved everything I made with it - no-one noticed any difference at all. It's such a good product.

  6. Oooo, yum, these look lovely...refined sugar free too! My children love a cake (wonder where they get that from ;))

  7. YUM! These look delicious - I love the crunchy bits on top - what a fab idea! Eb x

  8. Love these Kirsty. So pleased your hubby gets to eat them too. Bet the crispy top is amazing against soft sponge! xx

  9. Those little babies look delicious! I also found 'free from' cakes and bakes a bit of a challenge when Jumpy was diagnosed, but once you have the basics covered, it's just all about substituting flavours and playing around. I haven't have a cake fail in ages (my first few batches were horrendous!). Thanks for joining in with #FreeFromFridays.

  10. Such a cute bake! #FreeFromFridays

  11. ooh Yum, we love those cereals here too! looking forward to seeing your glutenfree bakes!

  12. Wowzers, these look and sound fab!! What a fab idea to give them the crunchy topping, love that! x #freefromeaster


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x