Thursday 30 March 2017

Gluten Free Banana Bread (Wheat-free, Rice-Free and Free From Refined Sugar)

Finally I have my baking mojo back and I have a very happy hubby! Since discovering The Free From Fairy Gluten-Free Wholegrain Flour my gluten free bakes have literally been transformed. Using this fantastic flour gives us bakes that do not have the powdery finish that I got using other gluten free flours.

Whenever I have any ripe bananas that are going brown I love to use them in bakes and as I had a bag of The Free From Fairy flour I knew it was the perfect time to have a go at making a gluten free banana bread. Believe me, we were not disappointed!

This is what I did...

Gluten Free Banana Bread


225g The Free From Fairy wholegrain gluten free plain flour
110g butter
75g agave nectar
2 eggs
2 ripe bananas
125g tropical mix, mixed nuts and fruit
2 tsp gluten free baking powder


Pre heat the oven to 180C

1 - Mix together the butter and agave nectar until you have a smooth mixture

2 - Add the eggs, one at a time with a little flour to prevent curdling

3 - Add the remaining flour and the baking powder

4 - Fold in the mashed bananas and dried tropical mix

5 - Line a loaf tin with baking paper and spoon in the cake mixture

6 - Place in the centre of the preheated oven and bake for 60 - 70 minutes

7 - Once the loaf is thoroughly baked remove from the oven and leave to cool on a baking tray

This banana bread is so moreish, it will keep you coming back for more. This cake will last about 4 days, if kept wrapped in foil and in an airtight container. We found that after a couple of days it was delicious with a little butter or peanut butter spread over it. I even took a slice to the gym for a boost of energy!

If you have not tried The Free From Fairy flour and bake gluten free treats then pop over and check out Vicki's blog or simply pop over to Amazon to find her Gluten-Free Wholegrain Plain Flour and Gluten-Free Wholegrain Self Raising Flour. This flour is life changing and that is no exaggeration! Try it for yourself and discover a new world of gluten free! This is not a sponsored post or a review that I have been asked to write. I am simply sharing the flour because I love it!

Pin me for later!

Enjoy x

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  1. Love banana bread, which is odd....not so keen on bananas...go figure! This recipe looks awesome love the idea of adding tropical mix xxx

  2. Thank you for a great and easy to make recipe!!! Love banana bread and this one looks so delicious in those beautiful pictures:)

  3. It looks delicious! I always have leftover bananas but tend to put them in muffins - I'll have to have a go at a proper banana bread one day. I love all the dried fruit in this one! x

  4. Will need to try this gluten free flour instead of my m=normal one.
    Agave syrup is one of these products I am not sure is better for you than sugar, have read mixed reports on it.

  5. I love banana bread, this looks like something that could be a staple in my house. I love how there is no refined sugar in this recipe:)

  6. Ooh yum! That looks so delicious Kirsty! i'm hearing really great things too about Vicki's flour (not that I'd expect anything else tbh), it sounds very much like I need to try it out.
    Angela x

  7. The flour really is fantastic isn't it. I really should make banana bread soon looks lovely #bakeoftheweek

  8. I adore banana bread and make it often. I love your healthy take on the recipe . Thank you for linking up to #BakeoftheWeek x

  9. I love banana bread so im going to make this next time my sister comes to stay as she is a celiac.

  10. I love banana bread and I agree, Vicki's flour is amazing. #freefromfridays


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