Monday 13 March 2017

Weekly Meal Plan - #MealPlanningMonday Week 11 2017

What a funny old week last week was. The hubby was home poorly on Monday and Tuesday so I really was off my Slimming World eating plan. But we did stick to the meal plan and we had all of the meals. The hubby even cooked a meal last week which was lovely.

Last week I visited a project that had received funding from Comic Relief. The project is a weekly group that is run to help women who have mental health problems due to domestic violence. I am going to be writing about my visit this week but I was surprised by how much it affected me. But I will explain more later in the week. 

Friday's weigh in was not great. But I knew that it was not going to be. I had been so off plan there was no way I was going to have a loss. I gained 1.5lbs which I am fine with. I did get to the gym last week and spent 2 hours there working out and I am really starting to enjoy it. I have also set myself a huge target. I have signed up to do Race for Life in June. I cannot run 1k let alone 5, but I am going to start training so that I will be able to run, jog, walk the 5k to help raise money for cancer research. 

Now onto this weeks meal plan. As we are trying to keep our shopping bill down I am trying to use what we have in. So I have written my plan accordingly. We have plenty of food in the freezer so I am using as much of it as I can.

This is what we will be enjoying this week...

Weekly Meal Plan - Week 11 2017

Irish Shepherd's Pie

In preparation for St Patrick's day we will be starting the week with an Irish shepherd's pie. I will be sharing my recipe tomorrow!

Butternut Squash and Lentil Stew

This is a recipe that I have seen in one of my Slimming World books. I will be adapting it slightly according to our taste and so that it is low in FODMAP's for the hubby. I will also be cooking some pork for the hubby to have with his stew.

Gluten Free Lasagne

On Wednesday I am planning to make a lasagne using one of the new gluten free mixes that I tried at the Schwartz event. I am looking forward to seeing what the family think of the lovely sauces.

Aromatic Mexican Chicken

This is another Slimming World meal. The recipe uses turkey but as I do not have any turkey in the freezer I will be using chicken instead.

Date Night

Friday's are when the hubby and I enjoy a bit of time together. Once the kids are in bed and J is upstairs in his room playing we have some food and watch a film. This week we will either have fish or a ready meal.

Tuna and Sweetcorn Fritters

I will be making these fritters and serving them with SW chips and salad.

There, that is another week planned! What do you have planned for the week? If you write a meal plan feel free to join in with the #MealPlanningMonday blog hop!

Hope you have a delicious week x

Hijacked By Twins

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  1. These all sound delicious - I'll be looking out for the Irish Shepherds Pie recipe!

  2. It sounds like the gym is going well...
    You have a lovely set of meals this week....
    I will look out for the post about the Irish Shepherd's Pie. Yum :D

  3. Sounds like a great menu - the Irish shepherd's pie sounds lovely! Have a great week :-D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your Guinness Shepherd's Pie looks delicious. One thing to remember when you start going to the gym is you may not necessarily lose weight because, although you will lose fat, you will also gain muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. The benefits are your body will change shape and you will feel stronger and fitter. Muscle growth burns up a lot of energy ie: calories, over a longer period. Be sure to eat a high protein snack after a gym workout to feed those muscles. :)

  6. Sounds like a great menu - the Irish shepherd's pie sounds lovely! Have a great week :-D

  7. My daughter is in Ireland on a school trip this week so I will be checking out the Irish shepherd's pie recipe to welcome her home !

  8. great plan - hope you've managed to stick to it now we are almost at the end of the week x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x