Saturday 26 September 2015

Garden Pictures - How Does Your Garden Grow?

While life has been manic one post that I have missed writing is my How Does Your Garden Grow post. The posts kind of got put to one side while I concentrated more on my food. But I have missed them. 

I have decided to start making the time again to go out and photograph nature again. I recently had a down fall with my depression getting worse and I stopped doing things which I loved to do before. Photography was one of them. Now my moods have balanced out again thanks to a new dose of medication I am gradually rediscovering "me" again.

I have decided to restart my How Does Your Garden posts again. But this time I will not be writing about the goings on in the garden. That is the hubby's area and if I am honest I did get stuck for things to write. So this time I am going to share pictures that I have taken in our garden.

There is nothing like a new toy to reignite my love of photographing nature. When I ordered my iPhone 6 a few weeks ago I also added an Olloclip lens to my basket. This will enable me to capture macro shots without lugging my camera around. This week I am sharing some of the shots that I captured in our garden over the last week.

This is how our garden has grown...

I am looking forward to catching up with Mammasaurus and joining in with How Does Your Garden Grow? again.



  1. Super pictures! I especially love the cute shield bug. Glad you are enjoying your photography again x

  2. Fab photos- apart from the bug, that made me shiver and then I laughed when I read Happy Homebirds's comment:) I loved the fluffy shot, and who couldn't not loved the hydrangea - looking forward to seeing more of your garden, I've missed it x #hdygg

  3. Lovely photos, I love the little creepy crawlies you managed to find, I love all the mini beasts out there in the garden. I have also deferred from my HDYGG posts for a few months but it feels so nice to be out there again, finding things to snap. I am not much of a gardener myself, but taking pics of pretty flowers is just great. Amy xx

  4. Ahhh such beauty! It's so nice to just wander and take photos outside isn't it? Really helps give you a sense of peace when you really look hard around you to photograph things.
    Loving the hydrangea especially (I have a total soft spot for them).

    Thanks for joining in again - and belly tickles (for Jax and Opie obvs - not you!)

    ps. though have a belly tickle if you really want one ;)

  5. Beautiful pictures Kirsty. I love flowers, they're all amazing in their own way. I do have favourites, like your top image -Echinacea? - they just seem to have such a long flowering spell and the bees just love them!
    Angela x

  6. love the photos, particularly the first one, such bright colours

  7. Simply stunning photos, Kirsty. To think they are taken on a phone is a sure sign of technology rampaging forwards!

    I am sorry your depression returned but so glad to hear you have it at bay and you are back enjoying the beauty that is all around us. Looking forward to seeing more of your macros :)


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x