Saturday 19 September 2015

13th September - 19th September 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

Wow what a busy week! Busy, but a lot of fun!

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were non stop then before we knew it the week was over and Joseph's birthday arrived! 

This week has seen a lot of foodie pictures, exciting meetings, a lot of girlie giggles and a birthday. This is our week in pictures...

Sunday 13th September 2015

Sunday was an exciting day for the children. On Saturday we took Joseph bike shopping for his birthday and we arranged to collect it on Sunday. While we were looking at the bikes the twins had so much fun playing and we had a lot of tears when they had to leave the bikes. We decided to get bikes for them too as a surprise. The hubby did an amazing job at making Joseph's first bike look like new so we only needed to buy a Frozen bike for Isabella. All three children were over the moon when the got their bikes. The hubby also bought me a gorgeous retro style bike as a surprise!

Monday 14th September 2015

Monday was a busy day. I am finally feeling like I am catching up on all of the jobs that built up over the summer holidays. As I was busy the only pictures I took were foodie ones. This is my added vegetables macaroni cheese. This recipe will be live next week.

Tuesday 15th September 2015

Tuesday was Joseph's evening. When we asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday he asked to go and watch a Leeds game. Here we are at Elland Road. It was lovely to do something that we used to do with Joseph "pre twins". Even though Leeds lost we still had a great night!

Wednesday 16th September 2015

On Wednesday I travelled down to London for a meeting and meal with the Carnival Cruise team and Sonia, Nadine and Laura, the other bloggers who I will be working with over the next year. We had a delicious meal at Tutton's in Covent Garden. After the meal there were a lot of giggles with Nadine and my roomie Sonia. I cannot remember the last time I had such a laugh with great people outside of my family circle.

Thursday 17th September 2015

On Thursday I had my meeting with the lovely team from Carnival Cruise Lines. There are lots of exciting things to come over the next year. After the meeting I had a bit of time to waste so I managed to have a bit of a walk around London before going home. At the end of the day I was ready to get home and see my family! 

Friday 18th September 2015

After a busy couple of days it was lovely to have snuggles with the twins before getting up for school.

Saturday 19th September 2015

Happy birthday Joseph! I still cannot believe my boy is now 11 years old!

As always I am sharing with...

Running in Lavender


  1. Oh huni, it sounds like it is a really exciting time for you. Well done! Happy Birthday Joseph xx

  2. great week Kirsty and so exciting about the Carnival Cruise work :)
    i bet that was lovely to have some Joseph time and i bet he really loved his trip to see the footie. i hope he had a wonderful birthday x x

  3. Quite a week! We need to sort out bikes too. H needs a new one and I kind of think we should all get one.

  4. What a great week you've had! A big Happy Birthday to Joseph x

  5. Those are very cool bikes! My boy also just found the freedom of biking without stabilisers. He is loving it right now. & Happy Birthday Joseph! So cool that you went to see the Leeds game. Can't wait for my boy to be old enough to take him to somewhere like this. :) #HappyDays

  6. Sounds like a lovely week! Love those bikes, they're fab. Hope Joseph had a great birthday xx

  7. What a fab week and congratulations on the Carnival collaboration such great news and well deserved x

  8. The cruise is not my think, though hubby says he fancies one, but sounds like exciting times for you and your blog. Nice to meet with the fellow bloggers who you will see lots of in the future, and some time to wander round London as well.
    Glad Joseph had a great birthday, those pre twin days will seem such a long way away now

  9. It really was such a laugh, wasn't it? Lovely to meet you and I can't wait to see what fun we have as #CarnivalFamilies in the coming year! xx

  10. My word, you have had a busy week.

    I bet the children were completely made up with their bikes. :)

    Thanks for joining the #HappyDaysLinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  11. what a week, happy birthday to your 11 yo son, hope the twins and you get lots of use out of the bikes

  12. My friend just got a retro bike- SO cool! How lovely you surprised the others with bikes too. Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x


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