Thursday 24 September 2015

SlimmerSeeker - Weigh In 1

Last week I mentioned that I am going to restart my slimming campaign and explained why I now have a goal to work to.

I have now been following the Slimming World food optimising plan since Monday. I have tried to follow it before but I lacked motivation. This time it feels different. I am making healthier choices and enjoying them. Last time I wasn't completely honest and did not follow the plan 100%, hence why I failed and returned to my unhealthy ways! This time I have got motivation and determination behind me, but more importantly I have something to work to.

When I weighed in at the end of last week I was not surprised to see that I have put on all of the weight that I lost last year. Last year I decided to follow the Juice Plus plan which I can now see was not the healthiest way to loose weight. You are denying your body of food so therefore crave it more. As the diet is mainly shakes as soon as I started to eat again the weight came back on. As I had denied myself so many foods when I did start to eat I wanted all of the foods which I had missed. I am a true believer in everything in moderation. We can enjoy treats as long as they are not all the time and are balanced out with both exercise and other healthy foods.

That is why I feel that the Slimming World plan is going to be the best plan for me. I am a foodie, I love my food, I love trying new foods and it is a big part of my life!

What can I say?

I love food and I love to eat!

With Slimming World, I have found, that I can eat and have seen that people, in fact a lot of people, have had a lot of success with Slimming World. One blogger who has well documented her journey with Slimming World is Life According to Mrs Shilts. She has done an amazing job of loosing weight and looks fantastic! It always helps when you can see real peoples results! Thank you for sharing your journey!

So this is my journey. I aim to drop from 12 st 13 lbs to 10 st 7 lbs.

I am not going to go for my final desired weight straight away as I really do not know if I can do it so to start with I am setting my goal at a realistic one. Then once I (hopefully) reach it I can set my next goal. My first goal is to get to 11 st 7 lbs. I hope to get there before Christmas, so that gives me 13 weeks to loose 20 lbs, that is an average of 1.5 lbs a week.

This morning I have stood on the scales as Thursday is going to be my weigh in day. 

After a week on the Slimming World plan I weigh...

12 st 10 lbs!!!

In my first week I have lost 3 lbs and am really pleased with that!

Here is to a great second week!

I am sharing my weight loss journey with Madhouse Family Reviews, Weght Loss Wednesday, Weigh, Lose or Stay and Slimming World Sunday

Sim's Life
Weigh, Lose or Stay - Laura's Lovely Blog

Slimming World Sunday


  1. Well done! That's brilliant loss for your first week. One thing to be aware of is the more you lose early on the more it will slow down later on. I've found that the more weight I lost the harder it became to lose more. It sounds like you've got a sensible plan, breaking your goal down into smaller chunks is definitely the way to go. Can't wait to hear how you get on next week. Good luck. xx

  2. Congratulations on a great first week xxx

  3. Well done, that's an amazing start ... and hopefully the first of many successful weeks :)

  4. well done, that's such a good start! :) x

  5. I definitely agree about the food replacement diets, I felt so deprived and wanted food even more. 3lb in your first week it fab!

  6. Good luck with you on your weight loss journey I have found that meal replacement diets work for me although you do have to be careful when you start eating again. But they are hard work, I look forward to reading about how you do #weighloseorstay

  7. Well done 3lb in your first week is great! I think so much of it is in the mind, you need to have the right motivation else its so much harder to stick to.
    Stevie x #weighloseorstay

  8. Well done 3lb in your first week is great! I think so much of it is in the mind, you need to have the right motivation else its so much harder to stick to.
    Stevie x #weighloseorstay

  9. Well done on a fantastic first week loss, that will keep you spurred on! Dieting is weird, you start off with all the best intentions, but unless you are in the right frame it wont work. You seem really determined and motivated - you crack on love! The Slimming World diet has been really popular this year and seems to really work - something I need to look into. Hope you are having a fantastic week, thank you for linking up with #WeightLossWednesday and hope you can join in this week! Sim xx


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x