Monday 7 September 2015

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 7th September 2015

This week marks a return back to a routine. Back to a school routine and back to my blogging routine. After a summer of relaxing my blogging routine I am ready to get back to normal!

As well as getting back to a routine I am also looking forward to thinking about myself again.

Over the summer my healthy eating and keep fit have completely gone out of the window! I am eating what I want, when I want, and not doing much in the form of exercise. I can feel such a difference in both my weight and my mental well being. My depression and anxiety have been like a roller coaster. My moods have been so up and down and I am sure that a lot of it is due to my lack of exercise and unhealthy eating.

This week I am taking back control. I will pick myself up back up again. Eating more vegetables, healthier lunches and cutting out the unhealthy snacks are top of my list!

This is what we will be enjoying this week...
Week Beginning 7th September 2015

Cottage Pie

Cottage pie has to be one of the easiest meals to make where you can add extra vegetables. It is also a true family favourite. I will be bulking out the cottage pie with carrots, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, swede and sweet potatoes.

Mushroom Risotto

This is another favourite of ours that we have not had in a long time. On Tuesday we will be enjoying a delicious mushroom risotto.


On Wednesday I am due to re start my fitness class and I am quite nervous about it. So before I go for an hour of torture we will have a light meal of pasta.

Chicken and Roasted Butternut Squash Bake

When I was shopping last week I saw some lovely big roasting butternut squash which I could not refuse, On Thursday we will be enjoying a new meal which will be of chicken cooked in a white wine sauce with vegetables topped with a roasted butternut squash mash.

Fish Friday

This is a firm family favourite now! Fridays are now fish Fridays! This week I have bought some river cobbler. This is not only a cheaper fish but is a more sustainable fish. We will have this cooked in a home made beer batter with wedged chips and homemade mushy peas.

Have a great week x

As always I am sharing my weekly meal plan with At Home With Mrs M - Meal Planning Monday.

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  1. Ahh! The Cottage Pie sounds so good....One of our faves here too and the fish! Yum!
    Everything sounds delicious! Have a great week x

  2. Would you like to come and be our cook? Everything sounds delicious! I find that if I eat unhealthy it affects my mood as well! I need to get back on the healthy eating bandwagon! xx

  3. I really sympathise - being out of routine and in "holiday" mode with diet and exercise plays havoc with my anxiety levels as well. I'm sure you'll be back in the swing of things soon - these meals sound lovely. x

  4. I'm back to normal this week, back to work and routine too. I'm rubbish with rice but would love to try the risotto, perhaps I need to give it a go and see how it turns out. Have a great week x #mealplanningmonday

  5. Aww, don't think of your class as torture! Exercise is horrific if it isn't enjoyable!

    I love the sound of your plan, I've not made a cottage pie in a ages!


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x