Sunday 13 September 2015

6th September - 12th September 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

The children have now completed their first full week back at school. It has been lovely to feel like I am getting on top of all my jobs that I got behind with over the summer. But I have noticed a difference in the twins. They really do thrive on routine and are so pleased to be back at school.

This week has seen busy mornings, an extra day with the hubby at home, autumnal mornings and the return of the good weather!

Here is our week in pictures...

Sunday 6th September 2015

As the hubby was not at work on Monday we decided to have a Sunday night treat of ice cream. He spoilt me by getting me my favourite!

Monday 7th September 2015

Monday was all about this delicious Spinach and Apple Cake. As the hubby was at home we took the children to school so I had a more relaxed start to the week.

Tuesday 8th September 2015

Tuesday was such a cold morning. But it was still a lovely walk to school. I do enjoy autumn morning walks as they really do wake you up and get the day going. After doing the school run I walk the dogs. One of the good things about living next to the fields is that I can take a mug of coffee with me while to dogs have a run.

Wednesday 9th September 2015

While I was taking some pictures for a blog post Isabella insisted on having her picture taken with them. Bless her, how could I refuse?

Thursday 10th September 2015

On Thursday I received a very exciting package from Carnival Cruises. Included in the package was a brochure which caused a lot of excited as we looked at the pictures!

Friday 11th September 2015

The twinnies really do make me giggle. On the walk home on Friday we were making arm tunnels for them to take it is turns to run under. Here they were making a tunnel for me, I will admit that there was no way that I could bend down enough to get under!

Saturday 12th September 2015

On Saturday we had a very excited little lady, On Saturday Isabella had her first ballet and dance lesson. We were a bit worried about how she would be doing an activity on her own without Taylor but she did fantastic. She went in with no worries and had such a good time, she loved it. Now we know that she enjoys it and is happy being left we are going to be ballet outfit shopping!

Hope you had a good week!

As always I am sharing with...

Running in Lavender


  1. Lovely picture of twins! Great that you can have a walk with a mug of coffee. Isabella looks super cute.

  2. You have great taste in ice cream - yumm!! Also, those are some of our favourite books - my personal favourite is Green Eggs and Ham. Hope the ballet lesson went well?

    Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  3. What a lovely week! My little girl starts ballet in a couple of weeks... I've been given a very specific shopping list :)

  4. what a lovely week, i spent yesterday evening as a tunnel for my 4yo niece and 2 yo great nephew and they were adament i crawled through the tunnel they made and very upset that i couldn't actually do it


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