Saturday 9 July 2016

2nd July - 8th July 2016 One Picture Everyday For One Week

It is that time of week again. It is time for me to show you my week in pictures. This week has been a busy one. Last weekend I was struck down with the dreaded cold bug that the children had so the weekend went by in a daze of sleeping and sniffles. On Tuesday it was the Hubby's birthday, on Wednesday I was in London until late then on Thursday the Hubby had the day at home. So with all of this the week has flown by! Now it is the weekend and I am well and truly ready for a relaxing one.

Here is my week in pictures...

1 - Saturday 2nd July 2016

Saturday I started to feel full of cold as did the twins. We were not a happy bunch! Not many pictures were taken but I did capture this busy bee.

2 - Sunday 3rd July 2016

Sunday was spent with my feet up and in bed. I really did not feel well. While I was in bed little I helped the Hubby pick some fresh berries from the garden.

3 - Monday 4th July 2016

Monday I was feeling much better. I recently received a box of lovely Mr Lee's Noodles. On Monday I tried the first one for my lunch. I will be sharing my review soon!

4 - Tuesday 5th July 2016

On Tuesday I pick yet more berries from the garden so made some jam. I even made a jar of summer berries, mint and gin jam. I am planning to share my recipe next week.

5 - Wednesday 6th July 2016

On Wednesday I travelled down to London for the day to celebrate Christmas in July. I visited various events such as Aldi and Morrison's. At the Asda event I was lucky to watch James Martin doing a cooking demonstration. I did not get home until just gone 10pm and was absolutely shattered but thoroughly enjoyed the day and cannot wait for so much delicious Christmas foods!

6 - Thursday 7th July 2016

On Thursday the Hubby had the day off so we spent the morning spending birthday vouchers. The Hubby got things for the garden while I found a summer dress for our holiday. I took this picture while we were looking at plants, I love the smell of fresh thyme.

7 - Friday 8th July 2016

Friday was weigh in day. I have now been taking the raspberryk2 supplements for a week and was amazed to see that I have lost 5lbs!

How was your week? What have you been up to?

Hope you have a lovely weekend x

As always I am sharing with...

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender
What Katy Said


  1. I hope you are all feeling better now....
    Ohh! That jam sounds amazing!
    The Christmas in July day sounds busy but a lot of fun!
    Well done with your weight loss. That is fantastic x

  2. Wahoo on the weight loss - such a nice feeling to see those scales drop :) Your jam sounds absolutely lush - I've always wanted to make jam. Will look out for the recipe x

  3. Sounds like you had an amozing day in London - but thinking about Christmas in July! And you got to meet James Martin - he's definately one of my favourite celeb chefs (plus he's a Yorkshire chap!):-)
    Well done on the weight loss Kirsty, and I hope your feeling better now.
    Angela x

  4. well done on the weight loss. may well need to watch your progress and try it myself.
    Sorry you have not been well, glad you are feeling better.
    Our strawberries are beginning to ripen as well, sadly I will need to cook them to eat them.

  5. Sorry you were poorly at the beginning of the week, but sounds like the rest of the week was great! I love the sound of that jam :)

  6. so sorry to hear you were not feeling well - i hope you are much better now. how amazing to meet James Martin. brilliant news about your weight loss too - i need to get back on my SW journey now my holiday has ended! x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x