Sunday 29 March 2015

23rd March - 29th March 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

This week has been a truly eventful week which has seen the start of the twins getting more independent. This week they have started nursery, they have had a couple of one hour sessions before they start going everyday after Easter.

It has been a lovely! Here is our week in pictures...

Monday 23rd March 2015

On Monday Isabella woke up a bit under the weather but as you can see by the afternoon she was fine! Chocolate did help! After lots of play Taylor curled up in front of the radiator and fell asleep.

Tuesday 24th March 2015

On Tuesday we enjoyed a slow start and lots of snuggles first thing in the morning. I love this time with the twins and I will miss it when they start nursery. I later had a visit from a trainer from Bark Busters. Bark Busters are holistic dog trainers. We decided that we needed some professional advice now that we have the two puppies. We had a really good session and I have come away with a lot of tips.

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Wednesday was the twins first settling in session at nursery. They went in with all of the children in the morning and I collected them at 10am. They went in so much easier that I was expecting. We all went in and once they were busy colouring in I crept out and left them to it. I had a whole hour to myself! However once I had walked the dogs and had a cup of hot tea it was time to go and collect them, the hour flew by! When I went to collect them neither wanted to come home, they had a fantastic time!

Thursday 26th March 2015

On Thursday the twins had their second settling in session at nursery. They were both excited to return and went straight in with no worries. In the afternoon I took the twins to see their Gran in their school uniform before dashing back for Joseph. On Thursdays Joseph goes to youth club, as it was still light we all decided to collect him and take the dogs for a walk in the field by the side of our house. Our kitten also decided to join us. She followed us all of the way there and back so it really was a full family outing!

Friday 27th March 2015

On Friday the twins discovered they could blow bubbles into their milkshake! You can just imagine the mess! They giggled so much as the milk frothed up! The hubby and I had a rare meal out just the two of us. It was lovely to get out and have some time together.

Saturday 28th March 2015

You can probably guess that I did not take any pictures until bedtime! The day flew by. We were spending time together as a family and I simply forgot to snap any pictures!

Sunday 29th March 2015

This picture is of the twins eating a yogurt in the kitchen this morning. We have 5 chairs around the table but they still squeeze onto the one chair to sit together!

As always I am sharing our week in pictures with...

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Grab button for The Week That Was


  1. So cute of your twins to squeeze into one chair. Priceless! Great that they enjoyed the first sessions in the nursery. I remember we had to stay with the kids for the first session (and allowed to be there for the 1st week in September as well). My little man loved his nursery but asked me every morning if I would pick him up to take home, for some reason he had this fear that I would forget about him, don't know were that notion came from.

  2. I had to laugh at the milk shake bubble blowing, you may have to put drinks on trays from now on to contain the fall out.
    How nice to know they have settled into nursery, I bet your looking forward ( in some ways) to them going, but it will be mixed feelings as your babies are growing up. How nice for the grandparents to see them in their uniforms.
    A lovely family walk.

  3. Oh wow, how grown up do they look in their nursery uniform?

    Love the photo of Taylor asleep next to the radiator!

    Stopping by from #TWTWC

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  4. How adorable - mine have never napped on the floor (well they have on the dogs bed lol).
    Have to love bubbly drinks lol
    #365 #TWTWC

  5. Oh, they look so grown up in their uniforms! But, I absolutely love that they squeeze on to one chair :)

  6. Lovely pictures, I remember blowing bubbles into cups. Such fun

  7. Chocolate is a great cure for most things isn't it?! Looks like a fun week. Love your last picture. x

  8. That bottom photo is the most gorgeous shot, one of my favourites in the project I think.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  9. Aww! I can't believe they squish onto the same chair - adorable! Well done on the twins starting Nursery - fabulous and the time to yourself is blissful! Enjoy :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

  10. wow Kirsty the twins look so much older dressed in their nursery uniforms!! make the most of those lazy mornings - i miss them and relish them during the holidays
    glad you have enjoyed a lovely week xx


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x