Sunday 15 March 2015

9th March - 15th March 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

This week has been a bit up and down. I started the week not feeling well. But thankfully I soon felt better but being poorly knocked my mood a bit and had a few down days. But by Thursday I started to pick up again.

Here is our week in pictures...

Monday 9th March 2015

Monday I was not feeling well but I did manage to do a bit of baking. I baked this delicious Everyday Brew Tea Loaf. Baking is the one thing that I lost interest in during my dark days but I have started to enjoy doing it again. This is something which I am thankful for, as is my husband, because I loved baking and found it relaxing to do. So keep your eyes out for more yummy bakes!

Tuesday 10th March 2015

On Tuesday we were finally able to take Opie out for a walk as she is now protected by her vaccinations. What made it even better was that Tuesday was a glorious spring day. The twins and I enjoyed a lovely walk down the fields next to our house. It was while we were walking down there that I  realised how grateful I am that we live in the countryside and have this right next to our house!

Wednesday 11th March 2015

On Wednesday we all went to pick Joseph up from school. The hubby had finished work early so we even took Opie with us. However on our way there the rain started, but it did not put us off. We ended up walking home the long way, through the park and over the fields. It was muddy, wet and cold but was still lovely. Wednesday was a down day, but this walk worked wonders!

Thursday 12th March 2015

On Thursday I took Opie to the RSPCA to visit her sister to see how they would get on. After a successful visit I was told that I could take Jax home. Which I did! Jax is a very nervous little pup, who still needs to put weight on and bulk out. At the moment she is a lot quieter than Opie and is wanting to be close and have love. But as it was pointed out to me, in the past she probably hasn't had a lot of love so it is all new to her. They both do play fight a lot, but like the twins, they don't like being too far from each other.

Friday 13th March 2015

Friday was a manic day keeping eyes on both the twins and puppies! Jax has got an upset tummy from the move so she has required extra watching and house training has started all over again. However it seems easier second time around as she is a few weeks older. I finished the day baking this delicious sugar free, yes sugar calorie free, cake. Which was delicious! I will be posting the recipe next week!

Saturday 14th March 2015

Saturday was a smiley sort of day. Joseph and I went out just the two of us to do some jobs. He was treated to a McDonald's while I had some sushi. We returned home and then went out all five of us. It really was a lovely family day.

Sunday 15th March 2015

This morning I was treated to a lie in and woken by excited twins who came running in shouting "Happy Mothers Day!". It was a lovely way to be woken, with hugs and kisses and a cup of tea. This year the children chose their own presents for me. Joseph got me a lovely soft teddy bear, Isabella chose me a bouquet of chocolate roses and Taylor chose me a heart tin of Lindt chocolates. The hubby also chose me a present, he got me the Delicious Ella book which I am looking forward to reading. 

Today may be mothers day but days like today make me even more thankful for my family. Without my three babies and my hubby there wouldn't be a Mothers Day. So when I have got this post published I will be spending quality time with the people that I love the most!

I hope you all have a lovey day x

As always I am sharing our week in pictures with...

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
Grab button for The Week That Was
Running in Lavender


  1. Walking is so good isn't it? Just to be out even for a short stroll can make such a difference. Your dogs look adorable - we are pining for one here but husband has allergies so may not happen :( The baking is looking good :)

  2. I love the look of your walk with the twins, I couldn't live anywhere else with mine than in the countryside.

  3. Oh those pups are too cute! :)


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  4. Another Fab week in pictures!! Those puppies are so yummy, as is that cake! Can it really be calorie free?! I'll be watching out for that one. Thanks for joining #mycapturedmoment xxx

  5. Opie and Jax are gorgeous :) Your walk looks lovely, oh for some spring weather!

  6. Ah your puppies are so cute, lovely they both have each other. I love getting out and about, walking in the sunshine is so relaxing.

  7. You are really lucky having all of that countryside on your doorstep I bet you will be making lots of use of it particularly now you have added another gorgeous addition to your family! I love the look of your cake, can't wait for the recipe!

  8. Mothers Day is fab when you have young children, I use to love the home made cards and their excited faces, and I agree its great to spend the day together.
    It is nice to get out for a walk and some sunshine when you are feeling down, should prove interesting with 2 dogs and the twins on the coming weeks. But will be nice for the 2 pups to have each other.
    Love your selfie, and can you please tag me in your sugar free recipe when it goes up - thanks

  9. awwww your puppies are just adorable Kirsty!
    i love the look of that cake , actually i like the sound of both cakes well i just love cake lol!! xx

  10. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day, it must be crazy in your house at the moment with twins and twin puppies too! xx

  11. Aw, so glad you got to bring Jax home and by the sound of it she'll benefit being with her sister.

    Thank you so much for linking in with #AnimalTales


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x