Saturday 21 March 2015

How Does Your Garden Grow? Week 11

At the beginning of the week I looked out into the garden and wondered what I could post for this weeks How Does Your Garden Grow? Then we had a rainy spring day that left the garden looking so pretty. So I grabbed my camera and captured rain drops on the plants.

The path has now been finished and looks great. The twins even have their own personal path leading to their playhouse. We have recently found that the puppies have discovered gaps in the bottom of the conifers so they have been escaping into the vegetable patch and even our next door neighbour's back garden. So the hubby has a task of blocking up the gaps. Next week I will be able to show you the results. The fruit cage is now ready for the netting to be added and all of the delicious soft fruit that will grow in there. The big jobs that needed doing have been done so now it will be time to get the seeds sown for our vegetables. It is great getting things ticked off the to do list!

I saw the beautiful tulips at the end reduced to clear so treated myself to a couple of bunches. They have added some lovely colour to my kitchen window.

Here is our week in pictures...

As always I am sharing how our garden has grown with the lovely Annie at Mammasaurus.
How Does Your Garden Grow


  1. Ooo oo netting on the fruit cage next ! Just the thought of a fruit cage makes me grin - I used to love playing around my nans one as a child, trying to work my finger through to nobble berries!
    The path and playhouse are looking fab - lucky kiddos :) I need to get some more tulips - thanks for reminder!
    Lovely to have you joining in again - thank you x :)

  2. Love the raindrops ... but is the garden going to survive the puppy twins?

  3. The rain gives everything a lovely glossiness to it doesn't it, love the colour of those tulips too. #hdygg

  4. Rain always gives the garden a just washed feel, love the drops. And the tulips with the light, gorgeous


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