Sunday 22 March 2015

16th March - 22nd March 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

Wow what a week it has been here! When I wrote this weeks Word of the Week post the only word that I could think of to sum it up was Challenging. But when I look at this weeks pictures I can see that it was not all bad, we had some lovely moments too.

Here is our week in pictures...

Monday 16th March 2015

These two are starting to settle down together. We often find the pair of them squashed into the one bed together. Monday was a difficult day. Joseph experienced an awful racial bullying moment. You can read what happened in more depth here.

Tuesday 17th March 2015

Tuesday was a wet day. Apart from taking the puppies to the vets for a check up it was just a normal sort of day.

Wednesday 18th March 2015

Wednesday was a strange day. We were expecting some work to be done on the drive that didn't go ahead. We just did regular things like the school run and stayed at home. 

Thursday 19th March 2015

Thursday was a busy day. We started the day off with the twins future nursery teacher which went well. The twins started the visit in their usual shy fashion but soon came round and were talking. Afterwards it was hair cut time for all three of us. Isabella had her first trim, while Taylor had a complete re-style! Yes his beautiful golden locks have gone. I will admit to having floods of tears as it was cut! He looks so different with short hair, we can finally see his face properly and I have fallen in love with him all over again. My baby has suddenly turned into a little boy!

Friday 20th March 2015

Friday was just one of those days. It started off ok but just went down hill as the day went on. However thanks to Embrace Happy I did manage to find my 3 good things of the day. We had fun in the morning waiting for the eclipse, we even managed to see the reflection in a bucket of water. Thankfully we had a covering of cloud which made it possible for me to look at with glasses on and captured some photographs. It may have been a down day but I did have a good hair day, thanks to my change of colour and trim on Thursday.

Saturday 21st March 2015

Saturday was a lazy start thanks to the hubby getting up with the children so I could have a lie in. After lunch we went shopping for the final bits that are needed for when the twins start nursery. I was an expensive but productive day!

Sunday 22nd March 2015

This is how Sunday has started. After lots of morning cuddles and play my little cool dude is enjoying Fire Man Sam while I finish this post! After I press publish we are planning some garden time followed by a walk out with the puppies.

Have a great week x

As always I am sharing with

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
Grab button for The Week That Was
Running in Lavender


  1. Love the cuddling together dog photos. I'm sorry about your son's experience. That's saf and shocking in this day and age. I would be utterly mortified and ashamed if my child said that to another child. I hope he's doing ok? Popped over from TWTW

  2. Awww, such lovely pictures =) The puppies look really cute =)

  3. How awful that your son had a nasty experience. Hugs to you all. Those two doggies look so cute. And a lovely portrait of you!

  4. Oh huni, I am sorry to here about Joseph, I hope you he o.k my love xxx

  5. i love the colour of your haor now Kirsty so rich and shiny. your son does look older with his hair cut and it looks lighter now - but i do love it. and that is awful about Joseph :( hope you are all ok xx

  6. Your dogs are so cute snuggled up together! Loving the hair cuts and I am glad the twins liked their nursery.

  7. Such a cute roundup of your week in pictures. Your hair looks great after your cut and colour. We didn't get to see the eclipse here because it was too cloudy *pulls sad face. Thank you so much for linking up to #mycapturedmoment xxx

  8. like the mirror picture in the shoe shop, and yes it will be expensive with 2 of them. The hair cut is amazing, but as you say changes them from baby to toddler, sad sad day.
    The puppies look cute squashed together, nice idea with the cake, get them use to it when they are young.

  9. I love the photo of that daffodil, completely different to the usual ones you see. Your dogs look like they are the best of friends :)


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x