Tuesday 24 May 2016

Nanna Scones

My late Nanna made the best scones ever! Last week the hubby asked me to bake him some scones and I will admit to my first batch being put straight in the bin. They just were not good enough. Having this disaster made me hunt out my trusty old Be-Ro book. I have had this book for years, the cover is ripped and half missing and there are food marks all over. But I will never get rid of that book. The book holds the secrets to my Nanna's scones. I remember asking her why my scones were not as good as hers and she told me her recipe which I have written down next to the recipe for scones in the Be-Ro book.

I dread loosing this recipe and what better way for it to always be there than by sharing it here, on my blog.

Aldi stock a wide range of great value baking ingredients. For this weeks Aldi post I thought that I would show you this recipe using a few of their home baking ingredients.

This is what I did...

Nanna Scones


225g self raising flour
75g butter
50g caster sugar
75g dried cranberries and raisins (if you have any fussy ones like me swap the dried fruit for chocolate chips)
1tsp baking powder
1 egg


Pre heat the oven to 200C

1 - Place the flour, baking powder and butter in a large mixing bowl and rub in the butter until you have a breadcrumb consistency

2 - Beat the egg in a measuring jug and add the milk to make 150mls

3 - Mix the sugar and dried cranberries and raisins into the flour

4 - Gradually pour in the milk and egg, reserving a little to brush the scones

5 - The mixture will be sticky and that is ok as we want a sticky dough. Instead of rolling the dough out flour your hands and make evenly sized balls then flatten slightly. Having the sticky dough ensures you have lovely moist and light scones.

6 - Place the scone on a lined baking tray, brush over with the milk and egg and sprinkle over a pinch of caster sugar on each one

7 - Place in the centre of the pre heated oven and bake for 20 minutes

These scones still do not come out as good as my Nanna's but I am sure that she would be proud of them because they are good!

They are best served with jam and clotted cream. I will leave the jam first or clotted cream debate to you! (Jam first here!)

Enjoy x

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post
Casa Costello
Tasty Tuesdays on HonestMum.com


  1. My mum-in-law make homemade scones and they are the best in the world. I'm really craving scones now....


    1. We always want more after I've made them, they do not last long in our house x

  2. These sound and look yummy - and I'll bet they taste good too!

  3. My mum used to make lovely scones and I do sometimes make them at home. I love to add all sorts of extra ingredients but my little ones just like them to be plain - maybe I should start simply and just add chocolate chips like in these ones and work from there!

    1. The kids love the chocolate chip ones. They are so versatile, that is one of the great things about scones x

  4. my nan used to make the best pastry ever, her mince pies where to die for. I love your scones, I've not made any scones in ages so I might just give these a go.

    1. My nanna made great mince pies too. Oh the memories x

  5. These look great Kirsty, though we're in the cream first then topped with jam camp :-) Mum also has a bero book which is many many years old...it's dog eared with no cover and baking stains and recipe amendments all over it just like yours....but they're the best sort of recipe book because it shows just how used and referred to it is.
    Angela x
    Angela x

    1. You cannot beat a good BeRo book. I wonder if how you serve them depends on where you are from. We're northern but it has always been jam then cream x

    2. We're northern too - West Yorkshire. I personally think it looks a tad prettier with the jam on top, but that's just me :-)

  6. Don't you just love old battered cookbooks with secret family recipes in. I have a few of those. Your scones look lovely

    1. Battered books show that they are loved and used a lot x

  7. My great Aunt makes the best scones....hehehe I've tried using her recipe with her instructions but they are still not the same...
    Those look so good x

    1. I think everyone has their own little techniques which make their bakes unique x

  8. Your scones look delicious Kirsty. I love Family recipes, my Mum has a battered old Bero book too with notes written all over it.

    1. Family, hand me down recipes are always the best as the bring memories with them x

  9. These look gorgeous. I do love scones. Haven't had any in yonks! (probably since last summer!) Will have to bake a batch. I love old hand me down recipes too - my own scone recipe comes from my mum, who got it from her mum...who probably got it from her mum! Eb x

    1. Got to love family recipes. Scones are a favourite in our house x

  10. You just cannot beat your Nans scones, great recipe :-) Thanks Nanna! Thanks for linking it to #CookBlogShare too

  11. Now the big question is - does the clotted cream go on first or the jam?

  12. What a lovely story to go with your scones recipe Kirsty! I think you've done your nana proud with these scones. I've never tried choc chips in a scone - pretty sure my kiddies would LOVE that. #CookBlogShare

    1. I think that the story behind them make them a bit more loved and treasured x

  13. These scones make me really hungry. I have never tried making scone. I will be giving this a go over the weekend. I really hope it comes out as good as yours.

    1. Have a go, if you do please let me know how you get on x

  14. Love a good scone - and these look really good. I also think it's so important to use family recipes Cx

    1. Definitely and I look forward to passing it down to my children x

  15. I'm going to make these with the kids. They sound perfect to me

    1. Little I loves helping me, if you do make them you'll have to let me know what you think x

  16. What lovely golden scones! Thanks for joining in with #BAKEoftheWEEK !

    1. Thank you, the trick is to brush with egg wash and sprinkle with a little sugar x

  17. OOh warm scones out the oven with cream and jam - totally and utterly delightful!

    1. Oooh yes, warm, fresh out of the oven! I want to make some more! x

  18. You definitely can't go wrong with scones! The old recipes are definitely the best, mine comes out of a really old Homepride recipe book! These look lovely!

    1. The old books often tend to be the most loved books x

  19. These look so delicious. Aldi products are such great value - I love them! I wish I could bake! Kaz x

    1. They really are great value. You should have a go at making them x

  20. I love scones and despite loving baking I haven't actually tried making scones myself. I do a lot of recipes out of the Bero book though, the old ones are definitely the best :)

    1. Have a go at making them! My Nanna said the secret is to keep the dough sticky! You'll have to let me know if you try x

  21. Oh the inside of your scones looks so light and inviting! Am sure your Nanna would be very chuffed that you are honouring her recipe. I'm def a jam first type of girl. Thanks again for joining in with #BakeoftheWeek x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x