Monday 30 May 2016

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 30th May 2016

Even though we are away I am still meal planning. Before we left I did an online shopping order to make life easier. The last thing that anyone wants to do on holiday is go to the supermarket! As I was doing a weeks shopping I thought that it would be easier if I had a rough idea of what meals we would be having.

The beauty of going away in a self catering holiday cottage is that you have the freedom to cook meals to save money on eating out. I will not be allocating meals to set days and am only planning for four meals as I am sure that we will eat out while we are away!

This is what we will be enjoying for meals while on holiday...

Week Commencing 30th May 2016

Cottage Pie

This is a great, family favourite meal that is easy to make.

Chicken Casserole

This will be a great dish on a dull day. Fingers crossed we do not have any of them but it is another meal that I can prepare and just leave in the oven.

Gammon and Chips

You cannot go wrong with a good gammon dinner. I will be using frozen oven chips for convenience and if there is any meat leftover it will be great for sandwiches!

Fish and Chips

This is another easy meal that does not take long to cook but one that everyone will enjoy.

I hope you all have a good week x


  1. I hope you are enjoying your holiday!
    Everything sounds great x

  2. I hope you are having a fab time and that you remembered the pineapple for your gammon xx

    1. Thank you for reminding me, I have forgotten! Pineapple is on my list for next time we pass a shop! x

  3. Hope you have a fab holiday. The meals sound great that you're making. A fab week of pics. I remember seeing all the afternoon tea book ones and loved them x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x