Saturday 14 May 2016

7th May - 13th May 2016 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

Hooray this week is over!

J is in year 6 so this week he had his SATS. At the beginning of the week I thought that I was more worried for him than he was. But as the week went on I could see that the pressure was in fact getting to him. By Thursday I was relieved that they were over and done with.

This week has seen a lot of outdoor pictures. We have enjoyed meals outside and it is lovely seeing the flowers in the garden showing their colours.

Here is my week in pictures...

Saturday 7th May 2016

Saturday was a beautiful day so we just had to have a barbecue! I made a delicious potato salad which made the perfect side dish!

Sunday 8th May 2016

As Sunday was another glorious day we made the most of it by eating outside again. My mother in law came over so that barbecue was used again! I used the Panasonic Slow Juicer to make this strawberry and banana ice cream and filled some oyster shell wafers with it.

Monday 9th May 2016

On Monday J started his SATS. I have not been looking forward to this week but he was nice and calm when he left in the morning. The twins and I made the most of the sunshine and walked home via the playing field.

Tuesday 10th May 2016

What a difference a day can make. Tuesday was so wet and grey! But while I was in the garden I was admiring the apple blossom. Fingers crossed we should get more apples than we did last year!

Wednesday 11th May 2016

Thanks to all the rain that we had on Tuesday and Wednesday morning while I was in the garden I could not believe how many snails were out! They were everywhere. On Wednesday poor J had to go to the doctors and was told he had stress related ulcers. I think that the SATS were getting to him more than he admitted!

Thursday 12th May 2016

Thursday was the final day of J's SATS so to celebrate I baked him this chocolate cake. Keep an eye out for the recipe next week!

Friday 13th May 2016

Friday was non stop! The hubby finished work early and we went carpet shopping to replace the carpet that go wet when J left the tap running and plug in the other week. We ended the week with a lovely picky dinner and a glass of wine!

How was your week? 

As always I am sharing with...

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender
What Katy Said

* contains affiliate link x


  1. I bet J loved that cake, hope he got through SATS ok, love the apple blossom x #366

  2. Well done to you and your boy for getting through the SATs...They are so stressful.
    Amazing looking food! I've had my tea but I'm feeling hungry again now x

  3. I just had my breakfast but I'm hungry again taking a look at your photos, especially the cake. Yum! #MyCapturedMoment

  4. Poor J is disgusting that is puts our children under so much stress, Jack is sitting 2 of his GCSEs this year and he is quite calm about it, I was nagging him a but about revision but have realised he will work hard with or without my input but it so hard when you want them to do well, but also want them to be happy. And oooh I love oysters they are my fave summer dessert x

  5. Oh huni your food always looks so tasty! That potato salad! Yummy. I can't believe that pressure children are put under, so sad, I hope he is feeling better soon xx

  6. That cake looks delightful. I am sure it made him feel better after those SATS. #mycapturedmoment

  7. Hope he gets good results in his SATS, personally think they are so wrong.
    The ice cream sounds nice, and the potato salad looks different.
    The cake looks amazing, you are really good at cakes, hope J enjoyed it

  8. What a splendid looking cake! Sorry to hear J has got stress-induced ulcers, it feels so wrong to subject young children to such stress. The ice cream looks delicious too!

  9. I did try this once and only got to about week 3! Well done for being in May and still going. #mycapturedmoment

  10. What a lovely mum you are for baking a cake to celebrate the end of your boy's SATS - and wow it looks amazing!! Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment. I hope you can join again tomorrow xx

  11. Brilliant pictures and so much lovely food (off to find cake) #happydayslinky xx

  12. Poor poor thing getting stressed over the SATS. They are just rubbish. Hope the cake went downa treat. Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky xx

  13. LOVE picky dinners, my husband and I do that a lot :) Lovely cake and I like the sound of that ice cream!


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x