Wednesday 10 September 2014

Alphabet Project - R

My R this week is for a recently rediscovered love of mine.

My R is for...

I have always loved reading ever since I was a child. However after the twins were born this was one hobby that stopped. I simply did not have the time or energy to pick up a book. On holiday I took a book and am now enjoying the first book that I have started to read in two and a half years. I am now half way through and have reignited my love for books. This is also another step to start doing more for me.

As always I am joining in with the lovely PODcast - Alphabet Project


  1. Great word and it's great to read. I love my kindle but there's something about holding a book in your hands isn't there? x

    1. I have a Kindle but I just love holding a book and turning pages :-) x

  2. Lovely - I find I read more now I can shove my Kindle into my bag. Real me time!

  3. I love reading too. I went through a stage, after having the children, when I found so many books too emotional to read. Now I'm finding it easier to find a book to read. It is fabulous to see my children discover the love of books - one by one. Great word. #AlphabetPhoto

    1. Yes, I agree :-) I love seeing the children enjoying books too x

  4. One of the things that I stopped doing too and I miss so much is reading a book. I have one in my bedside table but its been there for years =( #AlphabetPhoto

  5. It's great to find time to do something after children have grown a bit. I had a pause after each of my children were born now I love that I have time to read a bit each day and don't look at books longingly wondering when I might have the time to read a few lines :). #alphabetphoto

  6. Great choice. I go through phases of reading for a few months then find I take a few months off!

    1. I am pleased to say that I am back reading like I used to :-) x

  7. Wonderful, I love reading, but haven't managed to read more than a few pages this summer! Must make the time :) #alphabetphoto

  8. Reading was one of the things I missed doing for years while my children were very young. I mind when my youngest started nursery for the first time - a whole 3 hours to myself - I read an entire book (The Bad Mother's Handbook, I believe!). Lovely photo :)

    1. Oooh the twins start nursery at Easter, more reading time :-) x

  9. Good for you it's so important to make time for you.
    I did the same when my two were small so it's lovely to be able to read when I like now :-)

    1. It is only recently I am realising how important it is to have time for me x


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