Sunday 28 September 2014

22nd September 2014 - 28th September 2014 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

This week has been a good week.

I finally feel that I have found a good life/home/blog balance. I have started scheduling posts so that I have the day free to do more around the house and with the children. This has not only resulted in a calmer me but also a more organised me.

I have had some exciting emails this week and have got plenty to look forward to!

Here is our week in pictures...

Monday 22nd September 2014

After having fun with the twins and their building blocks we discovered that they really did not have enough so on Monday we went shopping and bought a new bag each. They couldn't wait to get home and build castles. On Monday I also had a good clear out upstairs which was a good cleansing job. I have finally got rid of a lot of clothes that do not fit. This means I obviously have more room, which will mean a shopping trip at some point!

Tuesday 23rd September 2014

I got a very exciting email about a blogger event coming up and I have decided that I am going to go. I really am so excited about going and cannot wait to tell you all about it! I have also been thinking about doing more creative play with the twins. But as I am not the most creative, artistic person I often get stuck what to do. So I signed up for a mail order creative box that comes with activities and parental tips. Our first one will be arriving next week and I am really looking forward to doing more structured activities with the twins.

Wednesday 24th September 2014

On Wednesday I decided to go over to my Nanna and Grandads house for the last time before it is sold. I went armed with my camera as it was such a beautiful day as I really wanted to spend time in the garden. The house is now empty, it is just a shell, but the garden is how my grandad had it thanks to a gardener. So I spent time taking pictures and playing with the twins as I did with my grandparents and my parents. It really was a lovely trip and one that I am so pleased that I made.

Thursday 25th September 2014

Thursday was just an average sort of day, the shopping arrived, we played, I had my hair trimmed, nothing out of the ordinary happened. We did however receive a lovely parcel of treats for us to review.

Friday 26th September 2014

Friday was a baking day. I decided to have a go at making the technical challenge, Povitica, that was featured on The Great British Bake Off. I was delighted that it was a baking success. You can read how I made it here.

Saturday 27th September 2014

Saturday was shoe shopping day. Since we found out that we were expecting twins we have been members of TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Birth Association) and this weekend it was their 20% off weekend at Clarks. We try to wait until these weekends to get the children's shoes. This weekend all three got new shoes. We finished the day off having a family evening with Joseph watching a film.

Sunday 28th September 2014

Silent Sunday.

Have a lovely week x

As always I am sharing our week with:

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

twtwc badge HOSTING: The Week That Was; Captured (#65)


  1. your baking makes me so hungry! .. damn your lovely creations! xx

  2. Lots of building and lego this week then! ...And that baking... wow! Don't mind if I do!
    The garden shot you used for the #project365 linky drew me right in :-)

  3. This sounds like an amazing week huni. I need to do more creative play with Baby too, but lack inspiration. I can't wait to hear your blogging news! Have a lovely week and thanks so much for linking up with #TWTWC x

  4. Wow, that baking was a pretty cool result. Not sure I could make it work like that.

    I'm bad with creative play - I generally leave it to nursery, as N never seems to want to do it at home.

  5. your povitica looks lovely (sorry i havent done any commenting yet - bit behind this weekend!) Kirsty! my two love playing with those duplo building blocks still, and if truth be told so do i! x

  6. ooohhhh wonder if my daughter knows about the discount weekend, what a nice idea. I am glad you got some peace from going back to the house for one last time and spend some time with the twins making memories.
    I love those chunky bricks, so rewarding for them to play with and a great size to handle.
    That cake looks amazing, well done

  7. That baking looks amazing! I'm glad you were able to get back to the house and take photos x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x