Friday 26 September 2014

Word of the Week - 26th September 2014

This week has been a good week all round. My word of the week is...


This week I feel that, at last, I have got my life/home/blog balance just right.

I have started writing my posts in the evening and scheduling. This has made a huge difference to my home life. I have managed to get on top of all the house jobs, I can spend quality time with the children without thinking about posts that need writing. It has also eased the stress of trying to blog while doing so many other things.

This week I have had a clear out of old clothes and blitzed upstairs and it feels good to have had a clear out!

I have also been over to my Nanna and Grandad's house one final time before it is sold. I am so pleased that I did it and had lots of play time with the twins in the garden. I also took my camera and captured some final pictures. You can see them here.

All in all I feel like I have accomplished a lot this week. That is why accomplished is my Word of the Week.

What word sums up your week?

As always I am sharing my word of the week with the lovely Jocelyn The Reading Residence.

The Reading Residence


  1. What a great word and an even better feeling. So pleased to hear you're managing balance in your life - can you come and help me next please?!

  2. Fab word and fab week! So pleased you've found a better balance :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  3. I like it when there are weeks like that and you feel like wonder woman! Well done you xx

  4. What a great word and a great week for you!
    I'm glad things are going well x

  5. Yay, brilliant week! I wish I could accomplish as much as you have this week. Scheduling posts is completely alien to me: you are so organised!

  6. What a great word. That elusive balance, still working on it here! I'm glad you've had such a good week x #WotW


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x