Thursday 25 September 2014

How Does Your Garden Grow? Grandads Garden - A Final Goodbye

This week I took an unexpected trip over to my Nanna and Grandad's house. It was unexpected because when I left last time I said that I would not return as it was just too hard. However I had the urge to go and see it for one last time as the sale in almost complete and I knew that once it is gone there is no going back.

So I put the twins in the car prepared with food for them, packed up my camera and set off.

I was fine until I was just outside of the village. Once I was nearly there I got a heavy feeling inside but on I went. Thankfully my parents were also there so I wasn't alone. I did have a few tears when I saw Grandads garden but only because, thanks to the hard work of a gardener that my parents employed, it was looking like Grandads garden again. After he died last year it got neglected and it always upset me to see it like that as he spent so much time out there. But this visit was like seeing it as it was.

That is why I want to share it with you this week. I have so many happy memories from this garden. It has heard so many happy times from numerous generations. This visit was the twins turn to run around and play as I did.

This is how my Grandads garden has grown...

A childhood hiding spot

The twins following in my footsteps through a tunnel made
from shrubs and trees
With all of the beautiful plants that were in the garden were
these sun faded, sad looking silk flowers. No one really knows
why they were outside.

This bed of shrubs will always make me smile. My Grandad
used to chase Joseph around it when he was little, it would
take me 20 minutes to get Joseph in the car to go home!

As always I am sharing my weekly post with the lovely Annie at Manneskjur.



  1. I can totally understand your feelings-a beautiful garden with so many memories attached to it too. I'm glad you had the opportunity to share it one more time xx

    1. Thank you, I am so pleased that I was brave enough to go back. We had such a lovely time in the garden xx

  2. So special. Lovely post reflecting on the joy your grandads garden bought to you and your family x

    1. Thank you, I am pleased I took some pictures to look back on x

  3. It's a stunning garden and I love that you've got some photos of the twins enjoying it here too. I know how emotional these things are, I felt the same when I saw my parents garden for the last time after my dad died and my mum moved. It looks the same, holds the same memories and it's as if a bit of him lives on there - but at the same time it's different in some way.
    Much love to you and thanks for sharing this x

    1. Thank you, I think it really did do me good to go and enjoy the garden with the twins I we always did. I know they would be looking down on us xx

  4. oh..... that is a hard one indeed. hang on tight to all the wonderful memories you have from there. it is so hard to let go sometimes. beautiful garden. thank you for sharing Kirsty. x

    1. Thank you, I certainly have plenty of memories to treasure x

  5. A stunning garden, but tough to be there again. So nice the kids enjoyed it just as you had, what wonderful memories it will hold.

    1. Thank you, we did have a lovely time even though it was hard x

  6. I felt your love for this garden and its memories.

  7. What a gorgeous garden, so many beautiful flowers. It's lovely your children got to enjoy the garden as you did :)

  8. Beautiful gardens and no doubt treasured memories. I'm glad you followed your urge to go back, however hard that was as it'd be worse to want to and not have gone x

  9. i'm so glad you got to make just a few more beautiful memories in his garden.


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x