Sunday 7 September 2014

1st September - 7th September 2014 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

This week has seen us say goodbye to Sherwood Forest and hello normality. The hubby returned to work and Joseph returned to school in year 5! It was back to just the twins and I again.

This week has also seen sore throats and colds which have resulted in disturbed nights, tired people and tears. But at the same time there has been a calmness in the twins since Joseph has returned to school.

Here is our week in pictures...

Monday 1st September 2014

On Monday we said goodbye to this lovely view. This was the view we had each morning and I loved standing outside, first thing, just taking in the fresh air and peacefulness. When we got home we collected Dotty from the cattery. I hadn't realised how much we had missed her until we collected her.

Tuesday 2nd September 2014

Whilst we were away I treated myself to a few Elemis products. I have never spent so much on skincare but this is my attempt to start looking after myself more and doing something for me. So on Tuesday I started by having a bit of a pamper evening.

Wednesday 3rd September 2014

My auntie recently gave the twins a little bench which was her grand children's. My dad has been busy restoring it and he got it finished while we were away and left it as a surprise in our garden. On Wednesday the twins played in the garden and loved taking a rest on their bench. Joseph returned to school on Wednesday. He is now in year 5 and growing up quickly,

Thursday 4th September 2014

On Thursday I decided to go out and I took the twins to Costa. This is something which I have never done on my own before. It would either be a success or disaster! I am delighted to say that it was a success, they were so good. They sat and had a babyccino and biscuit while I enjoyed a cappuccino and flapjack. It was so lovely, we will definitely be doing it again!

Friday 5th September 2014

Dotty makes us all chuckle so much. She is a cat who is full of character. I had to take this picture of her sitting on the hubby's bedside table taking a drink. We went for a ride out to see the hubby during his lunch break today. We also saw my mother in law so we had a busy afternoon!

Saturday 6th September 2014

Saturday I woke up full of cold and with a sore throat. After getting up the hubby looked after the children so that I could go back to bed. After doing a bit of baking I was exhausted so he took the children shopping so that  I could get some rest.

Sunday 7th September 2014

My Silent Sunday, Black and White Project Photo and My Sunday Photo.

Have a great week x

As always I am sharing my week in pictures with

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. i am so pleased you had a fab time lovely :-) .. i am thinking i might take your lead and have a pamper :-)


    1. Thank you huni, it was great! I really want to start treating me a bit more xx

  2. Hope you are all feeling better now!! Love that bench, so cute!! x

    1. Thank you, we're all still full of cold but are slowly getting better x

  3. Lovely pictures hun and I am so glad you enjoyed your (well deserved) break. Have a lovely week huni x #TWTWC

  4. Gosh the swan photo is beautiful! They're very cute sitting on the bench, but my favourite is that little face disappearing in the the huge cup ;) Thanks for joining in x

    1. Thank you, she's just like her mummy, loves a good Costa :-) x

  5. Good for you looking after your skin.. I love Elemis products, wish I could afford more of their gorgeous facials too! And I love going to costa with any of my kids.... it feels like such a treat having a coffee... kids or no kids ;) Hope you feel better now x #project365

    1. We're all still full of cold but are slowly getting better. I love Elemis and spent a lot more than I usually would on creams but it was my treat x

  6. Love Elemis products - hope you are all feeling better :) x

  7. I think psychologically pampering yourself is good, hope it makes you feel better. Love the babyccino. I know how difficult my daughter finds it to get out herself with the twins so nice to know it does get easier.
    Laughed at the cat and hope your feeling a bit better, how opportune that OH was off to take over, mind we struggle on if we have to

  8. Aww yay for a twin date! That looked fun! How did the baked pears go?

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

  9. Those trees are wonderful, what an amazing view every day, I would find it so peaceful. I also love the photo of the swan, beautiful editing.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x