Tuesday 30 September 2014

Darjeeling Earl Grey Tea Loaf

This is a favourite recipe of mine which has evolved over time. This recipe is based on my Settling Ginger Tea Loaf. I love changing the flavours within this bake. This time I have made it using Darjeeling Earl Grey tea bags which are available from Tea Pigs.

This is what I did...

Darjeeling Earl Grey Tea Loaf


180mls Darjeeling Earl Grey tea (Iused 1 tea bag brewed in the water for about 10 minutes)
225g mixed dried fruit with candied peel
150g dark muscovado sugar
6 whole cardamon pods, seeds removed and crushed
1/4tsp ground ginger
1 egg
225g self raising flour


1 - Leave the fruit to soak in the tea for at least 2 hours

2 - Pre heat the oven to 170C fan

3 - Once the fruit is plumped up and moist tip the fruit and any remaining liquid into a large mixing bowl

4 - Add the muscovado sugar and mix until the sugar has dissolved

5 - Stir in the ground cardamon and ginger

6 - Add the egg and stir thoroughly

7 - Sift in the flour and mix until all of the ingredients are evenly combined

8 - Pour the mixture into a lined loaf tin and place in the centre of the pre heated oven

9 - Bake for 40 - 45 minutes, but check every 10 minutes after 20 minutes of baking. This loaf can often brown quickly so keep a regular eye on the baking and cover with foil once it has browned off enough to prevent burning

10 - Once the loaf is thoroughly baked remove from the oven and leave in the tin for 5 minutes before removing from the  tin and allowing to cool completely on a cooling rack

This loaf is delicious as it is or with a little butter for a mid morning snack.

Enjoy x

I am sharing this recipe with:

Honest Mum - Tasty Tuesdays
A Mummy Too - Recipe of the Week
Casa Costello - Bake of the Week

Tasty Tuesdays on HonestMum.com
Link up your recipe of the week
Casa Costello


  1. not try tea cake before and they look great!
    when you mentioned remaining tea, does it also mean with tea leaves or you already drain the tea leaves off?

    1. Sorry, I will make it clearer in the post, I have used a darjeeling earl grey tea bag and stewed it in the water for about 10 minutes. The remaining tea would be any remaining liquidx Thank you for askiing x

  2. Yum, I love baking fruit loaves and this looks delish! x

  3. Oh lovely, I love a fruit loaf and this recipe sounds great :) #tastytuesdays

  4. This looks so yummy, but I really dislike the taste of tea so I'd have to tweak it first...

  5. Yum, I love a tea loaf and this one sounds really good, I must try it! x

  6. My mum would LOVE this! Not had tea loaf for yonks. Thanks again for joining in with #bakeoftheweek xx

    1. Thank you for hosting :-) I love trying different teas in baking xx

  7. I just want to dip this into a cup of earl grey-ha not that ladylike but that's what I'd do! Gorgeous! Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x