Wednesday 18 November 2015

Keeping Our Homes Secure

I don't know about your children but the twins are obsessed with playing with keys. House keys, car keys or toy keys, they love them! We have often had to look through the toys to see where they had been playing with some keys.

So when I was asked if I had ever thought about using a key safe, it did get me thinking. What would happen if the twins got hold of the house keys and lost them? What would happen if the car keys got lost?

We would be lost!

It is amazing how keys can mean so much and how much we take them for granted.

You may have read in the past that we are planning to to extend our house next year and change the kitchen setting. When I took a look at security websites, such as Fast Keys I was amazed by how many home security and safety items that they provide and how they could fit into our house. When it comes to refurbishing the kitchen a key safe will be top of the list. The safe pictured below would be my ideal choice. Not only will the colour blend in but there are hooks for 100 keys and will keep them fully secure and safe from little fingers. This slim key safe would fit perfectly behind the door, it is not big or bulky or obtrusive. It is discreet and adds an extra bit of security to the home.

Photograph courtesy of Fast Keys

But, it is not just little fingers that we need to keep our keys and belongings safe from. Even though we do not like to think about the worst thing happening, we must, to protect our homes and our families. We need to ensure that we keep our belongings and children safe from intruders.

Home safety goes a lot further than just keeping your keys safe. Making sure that all of your locks are in good working order and keeping them locked when you go out is just the start. Making sure that your children have a good understanding about home safety is just as important. Making sure that they keep safe when in the kitchen, keeping away from the hot oven and keeping sharp knives out of reach. Teaching children not to open the door to strangers and to not play with important keys. Making sure that upstairs windows remain locked so that little ones cannot open the windows. Having these basic safety rules in place can make such a difference.

Home safety really is important for everyone and having security systems set up in the house is one step that we can all easily make.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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