Sunday 5 April 2015

30th March - 5th April 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

The first week of the Easter holidays has been full of colds for the twins and I. But we have still been busy! We have had sunny days, rainy days, days at home, days outside and family days out.

Here is our week in pictures...

Monday 30th March 2015

On Monday this little lady was full of cold. This is not a picture that I have taken, it is a picture that I found when I was looking for Monday's picture. This was one of a few that the twins took while they were playing with my phone when I wasn't looking! It is not the best picture but I love it, it makes me smile!

Tuesday 31st March 2015

On Tuesday this was our view! At last our drop kerb was fitted. We have waited months and months to get it done so it really was a delight to see the drive completed!

Wednesday 1st April 2015

On Wednesday it was my turn to feel poorly. I felt so down and full of cold. We stayed at home and really did not do a lot, In the afternoon we did take the puppies down the lane for a windy walk and the fresh air was lovely. When we got home the twins wanted to stay outside and play so I sat and watched them. Even when I feel down watching them play makes me feel happy.

Thursday 2nd April 2015

Thursday was quality family day. Joseph and I went to the cinema while the hubby and twins had time together. We then all met up and went out for lunch. We ended the day with a movie evening with Joseph.

Friday 3rd April 2015

Friday was a wash out, it rained all day! This meant that after a trip out I had a cooking/baking afternoon! Joseph made some Easter Rock Cakes, while I made the lemon cakes for my Lemon Meringue Cake which I will be sharing in the week. I then made a delicious a Japanese meal using some ingredients that I have been sent to try.

Saturday 4th April 2015

On Saturday we had quite a lazy start to the day, which was needed as I was still not feeling great. After a ride out I decorated my Lemon Meringue cake, which was absolutely delicious! We finished the day with a meal and a movie.

Sunday 5th April 2015

Sunday morning started off with cuddles from all three of the lovelies while hubby had a deserved lie in. Today we have a walk and Easter egg hunt planned followed by a meal with my parents.

Happy Easter to you all x

As always I am sharing my week in pictures with:

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Grab button for The Week That Was


  1. Sorry you haven't been well - these illnesses must go soon surely! Hope you enjoy the rest of your Easter break

  2. Lovely photos! I hope you all feel better soon!
    The food looks amazing!

  3. Sorry to hear you have been poorly - I hope you are all better now. That Japanese food looks amazing :)

  4. Oh dear at he dreaded lurgy doing the rounds, hope you are all feeling recovered.
    It is cute that they wan to take photos, even if he missed half of himself.
    Lemon meringue cake sounds nice.
    Love your day out with Joseph and then meeting up with the others, nice to get some quality time.

  5. ohh your lemon meringue cake looks so scrummy.

    Hope the dreaded lurgy has run its course!

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  6. i love the photos of you and Joseph and then the one with you and all three of your lovely children. i also love the look of that lemon meringue cake mmmmm sounds lush x


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